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Professional TOEFL Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Woman: Ive heard great things about that movie that just came out.You want to go see it tonight?

Man: Id love to, but Ive got a history final in two days, and I havent studied all quarter.I think Id better take a rain check this time.

What does the man mean?

1. He needs to take a break from his studying.
2. He loves the woman very much.
3. He doesn't like going out in the rain.
4. He will not be able to accompany the woman.

Answer: D

2. What does the woman mean?

1. The chemistry class is very tough.
2. The chemistry class is not teaching this quarter.
3. The chemistry class is easier than the man thinks.
4. The chemistry class should be avoided if possible.

Answer: C

3. Which of the following statements would be most likely to come after the last sentences of the passage?

1. It is important in the future, therefore for behavioral bio- chemist to focus on the several components of the total learning system.
2. The ambivalent status of current research, however should not deter neuron behaviorists from exploring the deeper connection between protein production and learning.
3. The failures of the past, however must not impede further research into the amnestic of protein-synthesis inhibitors.
4. It is important in the future, therefore, for behavioral biochemist to emphasize more strongly place of their specific findings within the overall protein synthesis model of learning.
5. It is a legacy of this research, therefore, that molecular biology's genetic models have led to disagreement among neuron behaviorists.

Answer: A

4. In the example of the car the battery is meant to represent which of the following elements in the neuron behavioral research program?

1. glutarimides
2. acquired information
3. puromycin
4. amnesia
5. protein synthesis

Answer: E

5. It can be inferred from the passage that after puromycin was perceived to be a disappointment, researches did which of the following?

1. They continued to experiment with puromycin until a neuron anatomical framework was developed.
2. They continued to experiment with puromycin, but also tried other protein synthesis inhibitors
3. They ceased to experiment with puromycin and shifted to other promising protein synthesis inhibitors.
4. They ceased to experiment with puromycin and reexamined through experiments the relationship between genetic information and acquired information.
5. They continued to experiment with puromycin, but applied their results to other facts of memory research.

Answer: C

6. According to the passage, neuron behaviorists initially based their belief that protein synthesis was related to learning on which of the following?

1. Specific research into learning on which of the following
2. Traditional theories about learning
3. Historic experiments on the effects puromycin
4. Previous discoveries in molecular biology
5. Now technique in protein synthesis.

Answer: D

7. The primary purpose a the passage is to show that extensive experimentation has

1. Mot supported the hypothesis that learning is directly dependent on protein synthesis
2. Cast doubt on the value of puromycin in the newer behavioral study of learning
3. Revealed the importance of amnesia in the neuron behavioral study of learning
4. Demonstrated the importance of amino acid fragmentation in the induction of amnesia.
5. Not yet demonstrated the applicability of molecular biology to behavioral research.

Answer: A

8. We cannot exploit C and D unless

1. The producers in E and D are compensated for the disadvantages under which they operate.
2. We export large quantities of commodities produced by A and B
3. The prices of commodities produced by A and B are raised
4. The productivity of labour in all industries is increased
5. We allow duties to be paid to the producers in C and D rather than to the government.

Answer: A

9. When C and D are established, workers in these industries

1. Receives wages equal to those workers in A and B
2. Receives higher wages than do the workers in A and B
3. Are not affected so adversely by the levying of duties as are workers in A and B
4. Must be paid by government funds collected from the duties on imports.
5. Receive lower wages than do the workers in A and B.

Answer: A

10. No employer, without government aid will yet be able to afford to hire labour to exploit the opportunities represented by C and D because

1. The population has increased
2. Productivity of labour is not at the maximum
3. Productivity would drop correspondingly with the wages of labour
4. We cannot produce everything we consume
5. Enterprises would have to pay wages equivalent to those obtained by workers in A and B while producing under catater disadvantages.

Answer: E

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