Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential Product Designer Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain me how does the product fit into the product line?

Most companies have more than one product. You have to define the new product's location and its relationship with your other products. You can handle this by using a Product Matrix method.

2. Do you know what would be the product's slogan?

I don't mean a professional copyright slogan, but one sentence that accurately defines the essence of your product-the main value of the product. You won't believe how helpful a slogan can be to focus a design work.

3. Tell me who is the project leader?

It's crucial to nominate a product design project manager-someone to be in charge of everything, from product briefing to production. You really don't want an R&D manager who passes the stick to a manufacturing manager that passes it to a marketing manager. It's a multidisciplinary process, but there should be one manager.

4. Tell me why develop a new product?

You don't develop new products just because “a new product is needed.” You have to carefully check and define the reason(s) for your new product. After all, responding to a competitor's move, a brand pivot, or responding to user complaints are reflected very differently in your product brief and design.

5. Explain how can growth hacking be applied to offline activities?

The same methodologies apply, as Sean Ellis has said before growth hacking comes only when you have put thought into the whole customer experience. I have been running marketing and strategic campaigns for almost a decade and I gotta tell you that growth hacking in offline

6. Do you know what are we missing?

You never know about it all in advance. A product design is a process of asking questions and answering them concurrently. Asking the right question is halfway to a solution. The product brief should also include questions that you'll have to answer down the road.

7. Tell us do we really need a new product?

Developing a new product takes a lot of resources. Sometimes you can achieve the same (or nearly the same) results for a much lower cost. Upgrading an existing product or even changing the marketing strategy sometimes can do the trick.

8. Do you know who is on the team?

You have to know who are you working with. Normally, a new product development team should include four to six people from management, R&D, marketing, manufacturing and logistics.

9. Explain me a little bit about your work experience in this industry?

I have been an Administrative Assistant off and on for years. I have dealt with demanding deadlines and have been successful.

10. Tell me what is your favorite growth hacking trick?

Search for the term... Meetup Group Construction Kit which explains how to abuse Meetup for pleasure + profit.

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