Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Logo Designer Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell us what's the difference between rich black and auto black?

Rich black is used when you have a large area to cover. Auto black is used for smaller elements such as text and little areas. Rich black is "blacker than black" and uses different RGB combinations to achieve a darker look, whereas auto black is only 100% black.

2. Tell us what inspired you to join graphic designing field?

I was always fascinated by animated images. My curiosity led me to take interest in animations and led me to opt for a degree in graphic designing. The most beautiful part is I can graphically create almost anything my mind conceives.

3. Please explain what processes do you find most difficult in creating a new design?

The initial creation phase. It's hard to narrow down ideas to decide on one main design that will successfully represent your brand/design look you're trying to achieve.

4. Tell us how much bleed do you normally have on your layouts?

Usually it depends on the printer and his press and the project, around one sixteenth to one eight of an inch sometimes one quarter inch.

5. Why should our small firm hire you as Logo Designer?

I genuinely love to collaborate, learn, and design. I strive for perfection in everything I do to ensure that each project I create is done to best of my abilities.

6. Explain me the biggest freelance job you've done?

Creating my own brand. I built my website, portfolio website, graphics, and following from the ground up, teaching myself as I went. It's always a work in progress and takes a lot of time to maintain but it's so worth it!

7. Tell us what types of designing projects are you most interested in?

I like designing websites and advertisements as I believe my expertise lies here. However, I am also quite interested in mobile application designing which I would like to explore now.

8. Tell us when is eye catching, too much?

When It detracts from the message. Your work may aesthetically be incredible, but it has to effectively communicate the message.

9. Do you know what is a blueline?

The final proof before the actual press run. It includes all the images at actual resolution, but everything is printed out in one color--blue.

10. Explain me what do you do when a client wants a reverse ad?

Help them achieve their goal. I would suggest things that would make their campaign successful, be it reserve advertising. Ultimately it's the client's decision what direction they want to go. My job is to help them reach their destination successfully. Make sure they're confident in their brand and willing to take the risk.

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