Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Top Support Worker Interview Questions & Answers:

1. How would you maintain their dignity and respect if you were delivering personal support to someone?

This gets candidates to think about how the other person is going to feel. They need to show they can do the job empathetically, encouraging the individual to do as much for themselves as possible, while offering support. The most important thing is to always communicate. Show you understand what needs doing, but highlight that you would give the person the choice as to whether they want to have a bath or go to the toilet.

2. Safeguarding is an important and topical issue. When going into someone's home, how would you know they are safe and healthy? If you felt concerned, what would you do?

You need to explain what you would look out for and the signs that someone is in a safe environment. For example, you need to look around at their surroundings, does the person look cared for, do they have somewhere clean to sleep, do they have food and water available, are there signs of abuse and have there been any behavioral changes? The care worker would need to speak to the person to see if they reveal anything and if they have ongoing concerns, report it to their manager. We need people who take the time to follow up with someone if they are worried.

3. A resident is in a wheelchair, he tries to get up when restraints are taken off. Will you use the restraints? What is the restraint policy?

A restraint is any device, barrier (such as bed side rails), garment (mittens, posy jackets), furniture (Geri chair) or medications that limits or restricts freedom of movement or access to one's body.
Following are some of the key points that can be mentioned as part of your answer:
☛ Restraints can never be used for staff convenience.
☛ Always try to determine the cause of the client's agitation or behavior.
☛ Restraint use should always be avoided.
☛ Informed consent is required.
☛ Restraints can only be used in extreme cases and when necessary to prevent harm.
☛ A doctor's order is required for use of restraints on a client.
☛ Least restraint method is to be used at all times.

4. What personal traits make you a good candidate for the disability support worker position?

The most important trait that I possess is personal and cultural sensitivity. I know I can handle situations with tact and poise and my inherent patience goes a long way in making me a good candidate for this role.

5. What is a family support worker?

Family support workers help families who are experiencing difficulties and in need of emotional support. The purpose of the job is to help children who would otherwise be taken into care to stay with their family. As a family support worker your work would vary depending on the particular needs of the family.

6. What role do communication and interpersonal skills play in handling patients with disabilities?

Both communication and interpersonal skills play a huge part when handling people with disabilities. Communication is the key to understanding what your ward needs and assisting them with their needs. Lack of interpersonal skills can end up in a horn locking game with wards which is just not done in this role.

7. Why do you feel that you are well equipped to handle the demands that the position of a disability support worker poses?

I am compassionate by nature and never lose my temper. I understand that this position requires a lot patience as one is always dealing with difficult situations. I feel well equipped to handle the demands of this position because of my inherent nature to be calm and tactful. By virtue of this, I have handled many adverse situations in this role.

8. What was an incident that actually tested your mettle as a disability support worker?

I was assigned to a particularly irate patient with dementia. One day, he got hold of a kitchen knife and threatened to end his life. During the 20 minute ordeal, I talked him into handing me the knife by employing psychological tactics. This was by far the most harrowing time and tested my ability to handle an adverse situation successfully.

9. What personal skills do you possess that make you right for this job?

I have an inborn empathetic nature which helps me in managing my clients with dignity and respect at all times.

10. How can you make a significant contribution to a person's life in this role?

People become extremely dependent on support workers. The need to make a significant contribution to someone who looks up to you for physical and psychological support is extremely eminent. By providing them with an opportunity to flourish with a little assistance is a great way to making a significant contribution to anyone's life.

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