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Mass Communication Interview Question:
Who are the major participants in business buying process?
Submitted by: AdministratorThe major participants in business buying process are
► Initiators-are the ones who initiate or recognize the need of a particular product requirement in the organization for enhancement or to combat depravation.
► Users-are the ones who are going to use the product or require it for the smooth functioning of their operations.
► Influencers --Influencers can be of different levels and the decisions that they influence might differ from person to person or post to post. These are basically the people who will influence the decision of which product to buy from where and what suitable price to buy it in.
► Deciders - they decide or have the authority to decide whether to buy a certain product or not.
► Approvers-they approve the deciders decision to by usually these people are authorized to do so.
► Buyers--They are the once who make the actually purchases from other business.
Submitted by: Administrator
► Initiators-are the ones who initiate or recognize the need of a particular product requirement in the organization for enhancement or to combat depravation.
► Users-are the ones who are going to use the product or require it for the smooth functioning of their operations.
► Influencers --Influencers can be of different levels and the decisions that they influence might differ from person to person or post to post. These are basically the people who will influence the decision of which product to buy from where and what suitable price to buy it in.
► Deciders - they decide or have the authority to decide whether to buy a certain product or not.
► Approvers-they approve the deciders decision to by usually these people are authorized to do so.
► Buyers--They are the once who make the actually purchases from other business.
Submitted by: Administrator
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