Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential Behavioral Therapist Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me about your weaknesses as Behavioral Therapist?

Be honest with yourself. Do play the game and try to think of something that you've been improving or could improve, but be honest. All of us have strengths and all of us have weaknesses. If you find yourself hiding from the truth (like you hate kids but are applying to be a school teacher) question whether you should really be interviewing for this position.

2. Tell us what did you enjoy most about your last position as Behavioral Therapist?

Be positive. Never say, “Oh, I can't really think of anything I liked now you mention it.” (I have been given this answer when interviewing and it kind of reflects badly on the person). Beyond being affirmative and upbeat, try to think of something you liked to do in the position that is part of the new position you are applying for (i.e. “I really liked working with the public” when applying for a Customer Service position).

3. Tell me what Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Therapist?

I enjoy every phase of the therapeutic process. I thrive on the challenge of diagnosing the case, devising and implementing the most appropriate treatment plan and above all I enjoy watching the plan work.

4. Why do you want this job as Behavioral Therapist?

This question is a gift although sometimes it can seem overwhelming.

When preparing for your interview, you should study the job description and make a bulleted list of what aspects really appeal to you and play to your strengths.

5. Tell me A Time When You Had To Face An Obstacle? How Did You Handle It?

I was treating an autistic child using combination technique that utilized pivotal response and incidental teaching methods and the child was responding positively to the treatment. All of a sudden his condition got worse and I was disappointed. I changed the strategy but still could not attain the desired result. On further investigation I found out that the child was being bullied at the school by a new class fellow. I coordinated with the teacher and the issue was finally resolved.

6. Tell us what Do You Think Is The Essence Of An Aba Therapists Work?

An applied behavior analysis therapist assists clients in social skills development, language acquisition, self help strategies and development of daily living skills by applying various behavioral therapeutic interventions. ABA therapists assist patients in changing their behavior with a view to make them more productive, socially active and healthy minded.

7. Tell us do you like to work alone or as part of a team as Behavioral Therapist?

This question waits in your path like a mine waiting to take your leg off, but the answer is not always obvious. Some jobs require you to spend a long time alone on projects. Other companies have a total commitment to the team building idea of running a business. Target your answer depending on (a) what you really, truly prefer and (b) on what the interviewer seems to be looking for (knowing the company culture will give you your answer). Most people answer with a nod to both – they're flexible. Be careful of sitting on the fence. Whatever you answer, sound like you mean it.

8. Do you know What Is The Difference Between A Certificate Program And Certification?

An approved certificate program can provide the coursework necessary to be eligible for certification as a BCBA or BCaBA. A certificate program can also provide education that may be very useful to individuals not pursuing any kind of certification, such as some educators and parents. A certificate program must have the BACB approved sequence of coursework to count toward certification eligibility. Certification by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board is only available for people who already possess a master's or bachelor's degree in a relevant field, completed the required coursework, and who already have, or will be able to obtain, supervised experience in applied behavior analysis.

9. Can you share me a time when you had to face an obstacle? How did you handle it?

I was treating an autistic child using combination technique that utilized pivotal response and incidental teaching methods and the child was responding positively to the treatment. All of a sudden his condition got worse and I was disappointed. I changed the strategy but still could not attain the desired result. On further investigation I found out that the child was being bullied at the school by a new class fellow. I coordinated with the teacher and the issue was finally resolved

10. Tell us what Kind Of Patient-therapist Relationship Do You Avoid When Treating Patients?

It is very difficult not to get emotionally involved with a patient. For most part of the day, a patient is in my care and it is up to me to provide him or her with everything that he or she needs both physically and emotionally. While it is difficult, I try not to get emotionally involved and still maintain compassion and understanding so that I can treat them effectively.

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