Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral First Aid Instructor Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is choking?

It is the inability to breathe because the trachea is blocked, constricted, or obstructed. This is caused also by lack of air. It is a common cause of an accident to young children that may lead to death.

2. Explain what is breathing?

The process of which air is inhaled through the mouth or nose, and then air is expelled from the lungs due to muscle contraction and relaxation, respectively.

3. What is contusion?

The medical term for bruise. It is caused by injury to the skin tissues or broken blood vessels that usually results in bleeding beneath the skin.

4. What is bruise?

An injury caused by an impact that damages soft tissues and underlying blood vessels. Discoloration appears on the area of the body affected; another term for contusion. When you get bruises, check First Aid for Bruises to help you take care and patch them up.

5. What is antibiotics?

Drugs or medicines that are used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. This is also known as antibacterials. Note: Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections.

6. Explain me cuts?

Cuts or laceration is a wound caused by a tear or a deep cut in the flesh or skin. It can be minor or major depending on the different types of cut and its severity.

7. What is aspirin?

A drug that is used to treat mild or moderate pain. It is also used to reduce risks of heart attacks and strokes by preventing blood clots from forming.

8. Explain me what Does The Secondary Survey Include?

☛ Conduct a careful head-to-toe assessment of casualty (if casualty is conscious explain what you are doing and ask permission)
☛ Question casualty and any witnesses about history of incident
☛ Checking, monitoring and recording a casualty's vital signs such as pulse, breathing, level of consciousness, skin colour and temperature
☛ If there is more than one casualty care for casualty with most serious injury or illness first

9. What is asthma?

A lung condition that causes difficulty in breathing due to constrictions of the small air tubes in the lungs. It is usually triggered by allergic reaction or other hypersensitivity. There is First Aid for Asthma Attacks that can be practised to provide immediate care.

10. What is carbon monoxide poisoning?

A potentially life-threatening condition caused by inhalation of too much carbon monoxide gas that it prevents oxygenation of the blood. Carbon monoxide is emitted by automobile and engines which should not be run in unventilated spaces.

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