Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential First Aid Nurse Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is puncture?

A wound or injury that has a small entry, which is in contrast to an open cut. This is caused by a pointed object such as nail that you accidentally stepped on which penetrated the skin. This wound carries danger of tetanus.

2. What is scoop Stretcher?

Also known as a first aid device that is used to move injured people. It reduces possible undesirable movement of the injured person. It can also be used to transport patients.

3. What are Your Strength and Weaknesses as First Aid Nurse?

When you are asked about your strengths and weakness, in strengths you have to mention the skills that would help make the life of the disabled or sick people better. For example, positive attitude, patience, creativity, etc., are the skills required by an OTA. You can articulate them.

4. What is poison?

Any substance or toxin that is harmful to the body. It can be in chemical form or gas form. Severe cases of poisoning can be life-threatening, First aid for poisoning can be performed to prevent/lessen the harm.

5. What is seizure?

A seizure occurs when there is an abnormal or uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain. It is used interchangeably with ‘convulsion'. Seizures usually happens to people with epileptic conditions.

6. Can you tell us would you rather work for money or job satisfaction?

It's not a very fair question is it? We'd all love to get paid a Trump-like salary doing a job we love but that's rare indeed. It's fine to say money is important, but remember that NOTHING is more important to you than the job. Otherwise, you're just someone looking for a bigger paycheck.

7. Explain me what Do You Know About Our Healthcare Organization?

This is the question that you can not answer on your own, and you must have detailed knowledge about the health-care setting you are applying in. For this, you have to visit the organization's website or you have to collect the information from various sources like newspaper and brochures of the center. Tell them about the services they offer, what is the culture of the organization, when it was established, etc.

8. What is vertigo?

The feeling where you sense that your environment is moving or spinning. It is a form of dizziness including a sensation of disorientation. This is usually which may go along with nausea, vomiting, or sweating. Don't confuse vertigo with lightheadedness or dizziness. Know the Self-Help First Aid for Vertigo and its symptoms. If symptoms don't go away, seek further medical advise.

9. Tell us do You have the Plans to Be an OT in Near Future?

This is a very flexible question as the answer to this depends on the will of the applicant. He may or may not be interested in it. If you are not interested, then say a simple “no” and explain “why.” You may also say yes and answer accordingly. Some people may choose to obtain the degree as part-time and continue with the OTA job.

10. What is topical?

A medication that is applied to the skin or surface area to cure ailments. E.g. lotions, foams, gels, creams and ointments.

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