Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Child Care Center Director Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work?

I keep a tickler file of things that need attention and check it frequently. I arrive a little early each day to go over tasks for the day and decide which is most pressing and what other things I can fit in as I go.

2. Tell me are you a natural leader?

No. I have developed into my leadership role thanks to our former ed who was very instrumental in ensuring that her team was exposed to a multitude of leadership training events. She also instilled in us the value of collaborating and partnering with others.

3. Please explain how would others describe you?

A realist. I see things as they are without a lot of fluff but am able to see the good things and blessings.

4. Tell us an experience that demonstrates your ability to manage time effectively?

I have worked many jobs where time management was a crucial and constant factor. I used to deliver newspapers on a deadline. I had to create and execute the most time-efficient routes possible. Managing evening operations at a childcare center while preparing and serving meals took tremendous time management, but the experiences that fostered within me the most effective time management skills came with working on an assembly line in a manufacturing factory. The units came down the line one after another, and you had to have your task mastered in order to keep up. And the people that truly excelled at the job were those who not only mastered their personal job, but the jobs of those around them as well. If the person in front of you falls behind, it is best to know how to get him or her back on track as quickly as possible.

5. Tell us are you trustworthy?

Yes very much so. I believe in honesty 110%. This is a quality I believe many would mention about me. I've been taught to be trustworthy and abide by that value.

6. Tell us how do you deal with difficult parents?

I find it is best to find a way to get on the same team. Ultimately, we both want what is best for the child, so that is our common ground. It depends on the issue of course, but I have found that being kind, respectful and firm have been quite successful.

7. Please tell me what is your greatest weakness? What are you doing to improve it?

My greatest wekness is that im very hard on myself. I try to do the best and be the best and I sometimes upset myself or sress myself out if I feel im not bringing enough to the table. I am trying to stop thinking about it so much because with my eork experience if I was that bad or a horrible worker I would have been reprimanded by now.

8. Can you tell me about your education?

I graduated high school in 1985, then I went to Santa Monica College to study business and accounting. I stopped a couple classes shy of my associates degree when I was pregnant with my first child.

9. What is your greatest strength as Child Care Center Director?

Creativity, I can usually come up with several ideas for any problem or issue.

10. Explain me an improvement you personally initiated?

Starting a recycling program at the school.

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