Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Operational Program Coordinator Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain me your experience with IT projects?

Simply describe your experience in detail. For instance, how you've directed and monitored the requirements and progress of short term IT projects with limited personnel. You can also elaborate on how you've ensured that products and services answered your client's specifications within the allocated resources and framework.

2. Tell us what is involved in planning a project?

A coordinator typically produces feasibility studies for project ideas. He then plans project progress: sub targets and tasks, goals, milestones, etc. Personnel planning means distributing responsibilities between the assigned employees in the most effective way.

3. Tell me what are the three main purposes of a project coordinator position?

The position mainly exists to serve as a liaison among client and service providers, to develop the client's idea on a fixed budget and to support the clients and organization throughout the project planning till operational implementation

4. Can you work on holidays?

Definitely, I am available to work whenever the project requires me to

5. Explain me about a fairly challenging project you managed?

During the first year of my career, I was assigned a conference coordination involving 50 local delegates. Just a week before the big day, number of delegates was doubled and international speakers and facilitators were included in the guest list. The budget was raised but due to pressing time it was very challenging to arrange travel and stay including visa clearances of international partners. However I managed it and the conference went exactly the way client wanted

6. Explain me how do you approach a newly assigned project?

This allows the interviewer to see your approach to project management and to gauge your organizational skills.

"First, I would specify the objective of the project and the end result we are hoping for. Second, research is conducted to better understand how to reach that end result. Next, a list is made to lay out the steps required among the team. Lastly, based on that list I will delegate out tasks dependent upon the skill set of each team member. In order to achieve maximum results and bring the project to completion, it requires using the strengths of your team to your advantage."

7. Tell us how would you describe yourself as a team player?

I would consider myself one of the visionaries of a team. I am not only able to monitor the progress of a project, I also notice the skills and abilities of my teammates. I use this knowledge to encourage and assist my teammates and motivate them when need be. This helps to ensure the proper completion of the project.

8. Can you explain me why did you leave your last job?

Give a positive answer no matter what happened at your last job. Don't mention that there are issues with management or their products as this is only your opinion. Don't spend a lot of time on this question as you may give the interviewer reason to doubt your story.

Don't supply multiple reasons for leaving; just keep it to one simple reason. If you are still working, it's okay, just tell them. But if she asks why you did leave the job before this one and so on, then see the answer below.

9. Tell me what are the personal strengths that aid you as a project coordinator?

Remarkable interpersonal skills, ability to negotiate and working out conflict resolution in a win-win manner are three positives that have always supported me in this role

10. Tell us what is the purpose of reviewing project proposals?

The purpose of reviewing project proposals is to determine time frames and limitations and figuring out project procedures and staffing requirements. It is important to review project proposals because this activity provides us with information on how to handle resources for each stage of a project to ensure that deadlines are met properly.

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