Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral Crime Scene Analyst Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What Motivates You as Crime Scene Analyst?

There isn't really a wrong answer to this question, but you might want to tailor your response to the industry you're hoping to work for. Trying out media? Express your passion in creating content. Have a knack for business? Share the not-so lofty goals you seek to achieve in the long run. Ultimately, the aim is to assess your drive for the job and how willing you are to go above and beyond.

2. Tell me what are the best majors for forensic science careers?

For those of you interested in a career in forensic science, they key word is "science." The best degrees are found in the natural sciences, like biology, chemistry, and physics.

In addition to the basics, if you have a particular specialty in mind, you can explore entomology, anthropology, psychology, computer science, just to name a few. Again, the emphasis should be on building knowledge and training in scientific principles and processes.

3. Can you tell me have you ever had to juggle two or more projects at the same time?

Of course in the lab as well as being a mom, a soldier, a student and employee at the same time. As a generalist in the lab it is common to be doing multiple timed testing while bein interrupted on the phone and in person by other staff.

4. Explain me if you weren't in forensic science, what career would you choose?

I always enjoyed the science field as well as helping others; I believe I would end up as a nurse. possibly working as a sane sart nurse.

5. Do you know when can a minor lawfully consent to sexual intercourse?

This question depends on the age of the minor. A minor under the age of 16 can never lawfully consent to sexual intercourse. A minor who is at least 16 years of age or older can lawfully consent to intercourse if the second party is less than 24 years of age and at least 16 years old.

6. What are your salary expectations as Crime Scene Analyst?

This question is like a loaded gun, tricky and dangerous if you're not sure what you are doing. It's not uncommon for people to end up talking salary before really selling their skills, but knowledge is power as this is a negotiation after all. Again, this is an area where doing your research will be helpful as you will have an understanding of average salary.

One approach is asking the interviewer about the salary range, but to avoid the question entirely, you can respond that money isn't a key factor and you're goal is to advance in your career. However, if you have a minimum figure in mind and you believe you're able to get it, you may find it worth trying.

7. Tell me how Can You Contribute To The Organisation?

Chances are your interviewer already has a specific set of requirements in mind, so your best bet would be to list out strengths related to the position you're applying for, while sharing your thoughts on how you can further contribute. Not only will they appreciate you giving your two cents, it also displays the effort that went into your research. This shows that you're well-prepared for the interview, on top of your dedication in being part of the company.

8. Explain me what would your current coworkers say about you?

They would say that I am very much about quality and that I take my work very seriously but I am also easy to get along with and humble in my tasks. I am not afraid to ask for help or get a second opinion because I always place the patient or result first but I am assertive enough to speak up if I think something has compromised a result. I know there is more than one way to get the same result and I learn from others techniques and try them to see what best fits for me as long as it does not violate policy.

9. Explain me what do I need to do to become a CSI?

Since the technicians work mostly unsupervised, it is important the supervisors have a knowledge of their work history. So, we typically don't hire from outside the agency, we transfer individuals from within. My suggestion to someone who is interested in becoming a crime scene technician is to first ride with one, to see what the job is all about. Second, attend an autopsy, since this is difficult for many people to handle. And third, apply at the Sheriff's Office and get hired, so there is documentation of your work history, and then you can be considered for transfer.

10. Explain me what skills are most important to hone?

You need to understand scientific principles. You need to know how to conduct an experiment, generate a theory, and then see if you can make it fail. In DNA, you have to know enough biology to understand genetics. In firearms testing, you need know physics, math, how things ricochet and how trajectories can be figured out.
You've got to understand the instrument you're using, how a mass spectrometer works, what it's doing, what it's telling you; how you might get a false positive or false negative reading. You have to take notes, write reports, and be articulate enough to explain complicated science to a jury.

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