Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Operational Phone Screening Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Why should you inquire about next step at the end of phone screening?

When the interviewer takes steps to conclude the interview by thanking you for your time or asking whether you have any additional questions, respond with, I am very interested in the position and I would like to know about the next steps in the hiring process. Could we set up a time to meet in person?
Even if your interviewer does not seem particularly enthusiastic during the interview, you should still ask HR reps in particular are trained to give as little indication of interest as possible, to test your perseverance and to avoid raising any candidate's hopes prematurely. If your interviewer declines your offer to set up an interview on the spot, ask when you should follow up.
Finally, enthusiastically thank your interviewer again for taking the time to call. Your graciousness, appreciation and interest will leave a positive impression.

2. What things you should do before you give your phone number to anyone for phone screening?

Before you give your phone number to anyone:
☛ When you give your phone number, you expect to be called.
☛ Your own voice mail.
☛ Deciding to answer your phone.
☛ Answering and inconvenient timing.
☛ For scheduled-in-advance phone interviews.

3. How would you schedule in advance for phone screening interviews?

In some cases, the employer will contact you (by phone, e-mail, etc.) to set a specific time to conduct a phone interview. When you agree to that scheduling, you are committing to a business appointment and you should be fully prepared.

4. Is this strictly a phone/audio interview or a video interview?

If it is not strictly audio, then you need to be concerned with all the same personal appearance and conduct issues that are judged in an in-person interview.

5. Will you be speaking with one person or more than one?

If more than one person is speaking and listening to you on the employer's end, this can involve a conference or speaker phone, which can interfere with sound quality.

6. What is the approximate time will the interview last?

It is reasonable for you to know this before you commit, you may need time to get to a class or a job. You do not want to feel or seem rushed during the interview because you did not know how long it would last.

7. Will the employer call you or are you expected to call the employer?

Most likely the employer will expect to call you, but do not assume, ask if that is not made clear.

8. How would you handle if answered your call and time was inconvenient?

If you do answer your phone and the employer has reached you at a time when you can not speak with him/her, it is perfectly appropriate to politely explain this and offer to call back at a time convenient to the employer. Example:
I am so sorry I am not able to talk with you now. Is there a time I can call you back at your convenience?

9. How would you decide to answer your phone?

If you are not in a situation appropriate to receive a call from an employer (noisy location, or quiet location in which you should not be speaking on the phone), let the incoming call go to your voice mail. Return the call promptly in an appropriate location.

10. Why to be sure about your own voice mail?

Obviously a caller can reach your voice mail, so be sure it is appropriate, meaning simple and with your name clearly stated so the employer knows s/he is reaching the intended person and thus may be more likely to leave a message.

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