Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Medical laboratory Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is androgens?

Hormones that are responsible for the induction of sexual differentiation and produce secondary male physical characteristics such as a deep voice and facial hair. An example is the hormone testosterone. They are also present in females as precursors to female hormones (such as estrogen).

2. What is BUN - blood urea nitrogen?

The urea concentration of serum or plasma, specified in terms of nitrogen content; an important indicator of renal function. (urea is the chief nitrogenous end-product of protein metabolism, formed in the liver from amino acids and from ammonia compounds).

3. What is fibrinoid?

resembling fibrin; an eosinophilic, homogeneous, proteinacious material that is frequently formed on the walls of blood vessels and connective tissue in some patients (e.g with disseminated lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, etc.). fibrinoid necrosis - results in acidophilic (eosinophilic) deposits with staining reactions that resemble fibrin in connective tissue, blood vessel walls and other sites.

4. What is diverticulitis?

an inflammation of a diverticulum, especially those in the wall of the colon which fill with fecal matter and become inflamed. May cause bleeding or obstruction or may burst.

5. What is basophil?

Type of white blood cell (leukocyte), with coarse granules that stain blue when exposed to a basic dye. Basophils normally constitute 1% or less of the total white blood cell count but may increase or decrease in certain diseases.

6. What is iatrogenic?

resulting from the activity of physicians; usually used for any adverse condition in a patient resulting from treatment by a physician or surgeon. Derived from iatr(o) (Gr) - medicine, physician. iatric - pertaining to medicine or a physician.

7. What is DES?

diethylystilbestrol; a synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen; females exposed to it in uteroare subject to increased risk of vaginal and cervical carcinoma..

8. Explain me what is acid?

A compound that contains at least one hydrogen atom and can react with a base to form a salt; a chemical with a pH less than 7. An example of acid in the body is hydrochloric acid (HCl) involved in digestion in the stomach.

9. What is chronic?

A condition or illness that arises slowly over days or weeks and may or may not resolve with treatment. It is the opposite of acute.

10. What is karyorrhexis?

rupture of the cell nucleus in which the chromatin disintegrates into formless granules that are extruded from the cell.

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