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LPN Interview Question:
Explain me how would you handle a patient who constantly complains about pain?
Submitted by: MuhammadIn this situation I would take the following course of action:
A) I would bring this concern to the attending doctor and make sure that the patient's pain was being managed in the most effective way.
B) I would reassure the patient that everything possible was being done to alleviate their discomfort and
C) I would listen sympathetically to their complaint, reassure them that their concerns were being heard, and that we were doing everything possible to help them.
Submitted by: Muhammad
A) I would bring this concern to the attending doctor and make sure that the patient's pain was being managed in the most effective way.
B) I would reassure the patient that everything possible was being done to alleviate their discomfort and
C) I would listen sympathetically to their complaint, reassure them that their concerns were being heard, and that we were doing everything possible to help them.
Submitted by: Muhammad
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