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LPN Interview Question:
Please explain how would you handle a patient who complains?
Submitted by: MuhammadI would consult the on-duty doctor's opinions about the patient to see if he has been suffering from any pain or distress, then, I will work out the most suitable approach.
First, I shall try to comfort the patient and calm him down. Then, I ask about his problem and discuss with the on-duty doctor if necessary to resolve that.
First, I will listen carefully to his complaint and consider the situation carefully. Then, I will reassure the patient by sharing my sympathy with him and figure out what I should do to help him.
Submitted by: Muhammad
First, I shall try to comfort the patient and calm him down. Then, I ask about his problem and discuss with the on-duty doctor if necessary to resolve that.
First, I will listen carefully to his complaint and consider the situation carefully. Then, I will reassure the patient by sharing my sympathy with him and figure out what I should do to help him.
Submitted by: Muhammad
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