Explain How to test an application engine program in 8.8?

Submitted by: Administrator
One can test Application in two ways:

1. Running Application engine from 2-Tier

2. Running Application engine from 4-Tier.

1. Running Application Engine from 2-Tier: Open Application Designer, Then open desired Application engine. Then on top middle tool bar you can see 'Run Programm button' click on to that button, give vales to parameter like Process Instance, Run Cntrl id etc and click. this will run application engine and genreate a trace file to you local system. After complition of Application engine you can see if you got desired results or not.

2. Running Application engine from 4-Tier: Open 4-Tier link, Go to peopleTools-> Process Schedular -> Process, Add you Application engine process here, in 'Process Defination Options' give 'PRCSMULTI' in COMPONENT and 'TLSALL' in Process Group and then Save the page.

After defining Application engine, Go to peopleTools-> Process Schedular -> System Process Request, then add a RUN CONTROL ID, After adding run control id, click on the RUN button on the page, this will lead you to page where all the process will be listed, Select you process name (Application engine Name) and clik on ok. This will run you Application eingine.
Submitted by: Administrator

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