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Fresh Flexibility Interview Questions & Answers:

1. List the keys of flexibility?

1. Stretching properly with the correct form.
2. The body needs to be opened up step by step by doing the stretches in the correct order.
3. Using your breathing correctly is one of the biggest parts of getting results.
4. Relaxing never force or bounce.
5. Warming up and cooling down regularly.
6. Dedicate certain days to just flexibility and core strength training

2. Described some myths about flexibility?

People believe they are old too increase their flexibility. The truth is anyone of any age can become more flexible, if they learn to do it properly and commit to it.

3. How you define flexibility?

To have the full range of motion in ones sport without pain or strain.

4. Would you willing to relocate if required?

You should be clear on this with your family prior to the interview if you think there is a chance it may come up. Do not say yes just to get the job if the real answer is no. This can create a lot of problems later on in your career. Be honest at this point and save yourself future grief.

5. Do you feel pressure in your job?

We can tackle those pressure, with help of experienced colleagues in a group. They lend us to tackle pressure.

6. How to know about success on job?

Several ways are good measures:
You set high standards for yourself and meet them. Your outcomes are a success. Your boss tell you that you are successful.

7. Would you like to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?

This is up to you. Be totally honest.

8. How to know that I'm overdoing something?

If you are feeling constant fatigue, soreness and your body is not performing at its best. I recommend getting plenty of sleep and taking some rest days so the body can repair and store up energy. This will help tremendously. Also massage and going for a walk can help get rid of the lactic acid.

9. How to recover flexibility after a hamstring injury?

It can be helpful to see a chiropractor that does the activator method. Do not stop training completely. Train around the injury with exercises that don't bother the leg, such as a stationary bike, swimming and stretching. This will keep you in shape and get blood circulating to the injured area. This can help one to come back even stronger. Don't do anything that causes the bad kind of pain. It also helps to visualize and see your body pain free and in top form.

10. Described the most important muscle or muscle groups or areas to stretch for increased flexibility?

ince everything is connected -- it's good to take the time to stretch the entire body and do it in the correct order. I like to start with upper body to get the energy going. Then work my way down, with each stretch gradually becoming more intense. Don't forget to stretch the calve, it will make it easier to stretch the hamstrings and low back. You want to get that whole line stretched.

Make sure you open up your outer hips (IT band) and stretch the waist to help the lower back to release. Don't forget the inner thighs, too, which is also a necessary area to prepare to perform the moves listed above in the question. Ankle weights are good to use once you are warmed up. This helps tire and strengthen the muscles to enable someone to increase their range of motion.

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