Interviewer And Interviewee Guide
Interviews Quizzes

Role-specific Initiative Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Which major problem you faced and how you solved it?

Think of something related to work, school, civic, or leisure activities. Tell it as a story. Give details. The manager wants to see how you define problems, identify options, decide on a solution, handle obstacles, and solve the problem.

2. Which course did you find the most difficult?

The manager wants to know if you have perseverance: I got a D in my first term of algebra. My study skills were all wrong. I joined a study group. By the third term I pulled it up to a B and kept it there.

3. What you do to relax after work or school?

Don't brag about car racing, sky diving, scuba diving, or any other sport that might be dangerous. They suggest a likelihood of injury and absence from work.

4. Tell me about your greatest weakness?

Focus on work, not character weakness. Turn it into a positive, I'm accused of being a workaholic. I like to stay and get caught up on the odds and the ends before I go home.

5. Do you still plan to continue your education?

Continuing education courses suggest growth, ambition, promotability-and may qualify for tuition assistance.

6. Tell me did you join any school activities?

School activities show that you're sociable and that you enjoy being part of a group, and that you can work with other people. This is important in the work place.

7. Tell me do you have a drug or alcohol problem?

If you do, get some help. Enroll in a program.

8. Tell me have you ever been convicted of a crime?

It's not illegal to ask this question if it has a bearing on the job you are seeking.

9. What was your greatest failure?

Fessing up to failure shows maturity. Avoid examples that might reflect on your ability to do the job.

10. What was your greatest accomplishment?

A personal touch works well here, such as your marriage, birth of child, or helping someone in need.

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