Interviewer And Interviewee Guide
Interviews Quizzes

Essential Prohibited Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Can you get a babysitter on short notice for overtime or travel?

Don't make the mistake of assuming that a candidate has children or that they don't already have proper child care plans. As with many other questions, the key here is to ask directly about availability.

2. Is this your maiden name?

This question, like many others, may seem innocent and simple, but it's off-limits. A woman's marital status isn't something that's required to be shared with employers. Instead, verify whether or not she's gained experience using any other names.

3. Tell me how old are you?

While it seems like a simple question, it's in fact quite loaded. Knowledge of an applicant's age can set you up for discrimination troubles down the road. To be safe, just ensure that the candidate is legally old enough to work for your firm.

4. What you think are you mature?

Maturity is essential for most positions, but it's important that you don't make assumptions about a candidate's maturity based on age. Alternately, you have to be careful about discrimination towards applicants nearing retirement.

5. Do you belong to a club or social organization?

This question is too revealing of political and religious affiliations that candidates are not required to share such information with potential employers. Additionally, this questions has little to no relation to a candidate's ability to do a job. For this question, it's important that the wording focuses on work.

6. Tell me how long have you lived here?

Familiarity with local culture may be important to the position, but it's important not to ask about a candidate's residency in the country or region directly. Rather, ask about their current situation, and they may volunteer information about their past along the way.

7. Tell me what is your native tongue?

Finding out about a candidate's native language may seem like a good way to find out about their fluency, but you may offend applicants that are sensitive to common assumptions about their language. Additionally, as an employer, it's not your concern how the applicant attained fluency in a language - just that they are fluent.

8. What is your nationality?

Certainly, you want to be sure that a candidate can legally work for you, but it's important to be careful how you ask. These questions address citizenship, language and other touchy subjects.

9. Tell me are you Lucky?

Answering in a way that is balanced, yet still optimistic, is a good way to showcase some of your strengths as well as your positive attitude. You can also note how you might have met some challenges.
You can begin by referencing some reasons why you have been fortunate, like having a strong family background, great mentors, inspiring bosses, or a solid education at an outstanding school. Good fortune of this kind points to assets that will ultimately serve you well in your job.

10. What kind of Illegal questions would be asked during interview?

Employers should not ask about any of the following unless it specifically relates to the job requirements, because to not hire a candidate because of any one of them is discriminatory:
☆ Race
☆ Color
☆ Sex
☆ Religion
☆ National origin
☆ Birthplace
☆ Age
☆ Disability
☆ Marital/family status

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