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Role-specific Workplace Flexibility Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is Workplace Flexibility?

Flexibility is the ability to adapt to different people and circumstances, and handle unforeseen events with grace. It's a valuable trait in any employee and an essential quality in certain occupations and industries, so be sure you can demonstrate it to your interviewer with concrete examples.

2. Tell me can all employs apply for a flexible work arrangement?

Any employee may submit a proposal for a flexible work arrangement. However, not all jobs are suitable for such an arrangement. Depending on the nature or location of a particular job, some types of alternative work schedules may not be appropriate. Due to their specific requirements, some types of jobs may not accommodate flexible work options at all. Supervisors/managers are encouraged to give positive consideration to requests where they meet the needs of both UNH and the individual.

3. Suppose if I am an employee who asked my supervisor about a flexible schedule and was told it was not an option for my job, May i try again?

Yes, you may try again. However, first consider why your proposal was denied previously. (If you don't fully understand the reason your proposal was denied, ask your supervisor to clarify the business or performance reasons.) Then review the guidelines and determine if you can build a case for an alternative that might work for your particular situation. Ask your supervisor/manager to consider your new proposal and to discuss other alternatives.

4. Tell me will a flexible work arrangement affect my pay and benefits?

If you request a work schedule that reduces your regularly scheduled hours, your pay will be pro-rated accordingly. If your total percent-time goes below 75% (hourly) or 80% (salaried), you will not be eligible for benefits. Additional information on how flexible scheduling could impact benefits and paid time off is available by calling your Human Resources partner.

5. What are workplace values according to you?

I always try to be transparent and reliable in the workplace. I practice integrity and follow through with my commitments. I treat others with respect and always try to think about the good of the team.
I try to give 110% in the workplace. I look at the employee-employer relationship as a partnership which requires a strong investment and commitment. I am being paid for my service and I should in turn give my best effort and use all company time for the right purposes.
I view myself as well as my colleagues as part of a team, working towards a common goal to achieve the objectives of the company. As such, I always try to fulfill my role to the best of my ability and don't settle for less than great performance.

6. What are the workplace values?

This question is similar to asking what your work ethic is. Employers want to know that you have a strong work ethic and that your values match the values of the company. With this question, the hiring manager can determine what kind of person you are and what matters to you in the workplace. Everyone has their own set of values; you just need to articulate yours during the interview. Speak to your work ethic, integrity and character. Keep it positive and related to your work. If you know the company culture and what values they profess, you can highlight your own values that align with theirs. Working for a company with similar values will help you to be satisfied in your job. If you work for a company that only values profit margins, and doesn't allow any flexibility for employees with families, you may find that you're miserable in the job if those aren't things you value.

7. Tell me about a time you had to give someone difficult feedback?

I had an employee who was coming in late to the office every day and still leaving at the same time. I needed to talk to him about putting in the required time at the office for what he was being paid for. Knowing this particular individual, I knew he was a hard worker and wouldn't ordinarily cut corners on the job. I asked to speak to him privately one day and told him we've noticed he's getting to the office later each day and leaving earlier, and asked him what was going on. He admitted he had been coming in later because his wife's schedule had changed and he now needed to drop off his kids at school in the morning and it was making him late to the office. After some discussion, I offered to allow him to work less hours in the office if he could put in the 1 hour of time he was missing in the evening. We agreed to try it out for a month to see if it would work, and I was able to see that he was indeed putting in the extra time at home and capable of working the flexible hour.

8. Tips about a time you had to give someone difficult feedback?

☆ Choose an example of a time you had to give negative feedback and that person took it well and changed the behavior to lead to the desired outcome.
☆ Use your story to highlight your communications style and approach when addressing difficult feedback to employees.
☆ Walk the hiring manager through the situation, your thought process in deciding how best to approach the individual, and how you gave the negative feedback in a way that produced a positive outcome.
☆ Delivering negative feedback should always be about correcting the behavior and allowing individuals to understanding how you want them to change or what you need them to do in order to be successful.

9. Why interviewer asked about difficult feedback?

If you've worked in a management position, you've most likely needed to give difficult feedback at some point or another. It can be a sensitive subject to deliver any type of criticism or difficult feedback, so knowing how to do it well is a very important skill to master. Hiring managers are looking for evidence that you understand the sensitivity of providing negative feedback and can consider how to properly frame things in order to correct undesirable work or behavior and keep up the morale of staff members. It requires you to think about how a particular person might react to the feedback you give them, what the impact may be on them and how to get the desired outcome. Higher levels of communication skills are required for managing people, especially when it comes to providing feedback. By asking this question, hiring managers want to ensure that you have the skills to do this effectively.

10. Do you make decisions quickly or do you take time to think things over before making a decision?

I am a very efficient and sound decision maker. I am able to quickly analyze a situation, look at it from multiple perspectives and outcomes, and then make the best decision for the benefit of the company.

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