Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Operational Marketing Internship Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what achievements make you the most proud?

This internship question gives the candidate an opportunity to provide details of a situation where they excelled. Ideally, they will use the ‘situation, task, action, result' (STAR) technique. This method involves the candidate describing a task they were given, the action they took and the outcome.

2. Explain me what do you intend to do once your internship tenure is completed?

Ideally, I would like to be hired by the same company, so that I can give back what I have been taught. And since I will know exactly what the digital marketing is all about, I will be able to contribute to the cause in an effective manner.

3. Tell us what Are Your Expectations?

Asking candidates what their expectations of the internship are is a great way to ascertain whether or not they understand your company and the work they'll be doing. Making sure both you and the candidate are clear about the work involved, the required hours, and the pay (if any) is the first step to ensuring a successful setup for both of you.

4. Tell me where do you see yourself in the next 5 years in Marketing?

Within the next 5 years, I would want to see myself as a successful and contributory digital marketing specialist.

5. Tell us why do you want to be an intern at our company?

Unfortunately, not every candidate that attends the internship interview will really want to work with your company. They may have applied because they need a position. This question will help you to decide whether the candidate is interested in your company's mission and whether they're enthusiastic about joining your team.

6. Please explain what is your best strength as far as digital marketing is concerned?

I am a pro when it comes to forecasting marketing campaign growths, due to an exceptionally insightful nature, and a great ability to keep abreast of new digital marketing technologies.

7. Tell us what type of skills are imperative if you want to work in digital marketing?

Ability to communicate effectively, technical prowess, proficiency in managing large amounts of data and extract meaningful information from it, knowledge of SEO best practices and good content management are top of the list.

8. Tell us what are your weaknesses in Marketing?

This is an internship question that can be challenging to answer. Ideally, the intern candidate will be honest about areas that they need to develop. Be aware of ‘canned responses' such as “perfectionism.” The candidate should be willing to talk about their weaknesses but should also have come prepared to the internship interview with practical examples of how they're trying to strengthen their areas of weakness.

9. Explain me what's an accomplishment you're most proud of?

When speaking with a potential intern, allow them to share something they've accomplished either at school or in their extracurriculars. By keeping the question open-ended, you'll help them feel empowered because they can choose what they want to discuss with you. Maybe it'll be work related or maybe based on something completely different. Either way, this question is sure to garner a good response you can use to judge whether or not the candidate will be a fit for your team.

10. Can you explain about Your Coursework. In What Ways Is it Relevant to This Position?

Even the most mundane college class has some professional benefit to it. There are the obvious ways-if you're looking for a PR intern, then having someone who is majoring in marketing or public relations and has worked on projects that relate to your industry is a clear connection.

But other classes have indirect benefitsas well-for example, writing papers takes research, organization, time management, and editing skills, and foreign language classes require communicating effectively in a diverse environment. By having candidates identify and articulate those connections, you'll get a good sense of where their strengths lie.

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