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Role-specific Telemarketing Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Is unwanted telemarketing a crime?

Yes. Vermont law also imposes criminal penalties on telemarketers who call a Vermont telephone number without having first registered with the Vermont Secretary of State, unless the company is a federally-regulated financial institution (e.g. a federal bank), or is already regulated by, or registered or licensed with, one of the following Vermont governmental agencies: Secretary of State, Public Service Board, Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration, or Department of Taxes.

2. What can I do if I continue to get unwanted calls?

Telemarketing calls made to a number which has been listed on the federal registry for three months, or which are on a company's “Do Not Call” list, violate Vermont law. If you get a call from a telemarketer that violates Vermont law, you have the right to sue the telemarketer for actual damages or $500 for a first violation ($1,000 for each subsequent violation), whichever is greater.

3. Are all telemarketing calls prohibited?

Certain calls are not covered by the federal registration law, including calls from political organizations, charities, telephone surveyors, and companies from which you have bought something or received a delivery in the past 18 months. If you do not want to get calls from companies that fall into any of these groups, tell the company or charity to put your phone number on their own “Do Not Call” list. Every company and charity is obliged to keep such a list.

4. How much time do you need to put together a campaign?

One working week, so we can prepare the data, brief the telemarketer and make sure everything is in place to start.

5. Who will make the calls?

Depending on experience we will put out best telemarketer on every job, and they will stay on it until the campaign finish's or a decision is made to move another person on to it depending on level of success both good and bad.

6. How many calls will be made a day?

A good telemarketer will make between 100 and 115 calls a day, depending on the level of decision maker you can Expect between 20 and 45 decision maker contacts a day.

7. How will campaign results be reported?

On a daily basis, we will split the data into several sections. The main section will remain as it is, but we will copy and paste things like, Appointments, Short Term Leads, Long Term Leads, Info requests, and client to deal with, into seperate sections for easy access. Normally done in Excel.

8. What will be said on the phone?

After some intial consultation with the client we will come up with a script. The reason for this is synergy! This way the client knows what we are saying and they are happy with the enthisis we are putting onto certain areas of the conversation, that the qualification questions we are asking are correct, and through calling we will make minor changes depending on what response we are recieving.

9. What if people want info?

This can happen a lot, and it is not just a palm off, you get to recognise which are genuinely interested and which are timewasters simply by asking a few questions before you end the call, many of the products we promote are things that people will not hand a creditcard over for, theytend to be in the thousands of pounds and therefore take consideration before making a decision. Always have something you can send that will add favour to a potential client.

10. How will a typical campain run?

Before a single call is made everything must be agreed by both parties, from qualification process to what is being said, communication throughout the campaign is paramount, if things are not going to plan you have to choices,
a) moan about it and blame the telemarketing company your working with.
b) work with them to find out what is going wrong, is it a bad time of year, is it that people do not really understand the product//service. There is always an answer for any campaign going wrong, you just need to find the right angle

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