Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Marketing Coordinator Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is the main difference between marketing and sales?

☛ Sales almost always deals with closing a deal. The purpose is to make contact with potential customers and encourage them to commit to a purchase or a follow up meeting.
☛ Marketing is concerned with raising brand awareness; you are not trying to sell the product directly, you are trying to make people aware of it and want to buy it.

2. Tell me about a problem you have solved as marketing assistant?

This can be a tricky question to answer, especially if you have never held a supervisory/managerial position or had any form of responsibility. In your replies you need to display resourcefulness, an ability to solve problems, your decision making skills and be able to clearly explain the approach you used. No matter how little work experience you have you should always be able to lead and come up with creative solutions. Describe situations where you came up with an idea that increased efficiency in your office or cut costs after you discovered a cheaper supplier etc.

3. How would you cope with a difficult colleague as marketing assistant?

☛ This really depends on what my co-worker is doing, the severity of their actions and the specific problems or disruption that they may be causing. Having said that no matter what the situation is, I would always remain in control of any situation and concentrate on my work. I would not take any arguments or heated discussions personally or hold grudges against work colleagues.
☛ I would avoid them and only talk to them or cooperate with them when required to in the course of my daily duties.

4. What do you enjoy about the field of marketing?

This can be a tough question that will put you on the spot. When responding be polite, diplomatic and give a good business related answer.
☛ I can't really give you a accurate answer because at this time I don't know the scope of the job, it's responsibilities, hours etc.
☛ The job I perform, the salary I receive and the circumstances at my current company are not really comparable to the opportunity we are discussing today. However when I consider my skill sets, academic qualifications and work experience.

5. What do you like about your job as marketing assistant?

Try to link what you like to any of the requirements of the job you are applying for. Also keep in mind that you are looking to leave your present jobs so don't make a big list.
☛ It provides me with constant new challenges to test my abilities.
☛ Communicating and meeting with new people.
☛ Able to use your initiative.
☛ Working as part of a team.

6. What do you dislike about your job as marketing assistant?

Remember not to directly criticize or be negative about the company, managers or supervisors. Instead find other general issues to focus on.
☛ Sometimes it is difficult for me to get a sense of my own achievement in a big company like my present employer.
☛ There are very few opportunities for advancement with my present employer who are a small company.

What NOT to mention:
☛ Overtime issues.
☛ Salary expectations.

7. Do you enjoy throwing yourself into marketing as marketing assistant?

Of course you do. You believe in learning on the job and getting involved from the start. You want to be part of the action from the outset and start making positive changes from the day you start in the new job.

8. Do you like working in a team environment as marketing assistant?

There is only one answer for this:
Say that you thrive in a team environment and that you enjoy working with others on projects and believe that working as a team allows you to achieve far more than is possible alone.

9. Please tell me how would you handle public complaints and criticisms on the social media account?

The best way is to always apologise and invite the individual to contact you direct to resolve the matter. It is best to take the conversation offline and once resolved, request that the individual leaves a comment to say they are happy with the outcome.

10. What have your achievements been to date as marketing assistant?

Give a solution that is related to work and if possible the job you are applying for. Demonstrate something that shows how you saved a previous employer money, made them more efficient or increased revenue.

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