Professional Organizational Skills Interview Questions & Answers:
1. Tell me how do you prioritize your time?
The customers always come first. As a Manager, I assign the highest priority to handling customer complaints and problems. When there are no unresolved or un-addressed customer concerns, home-office directives are carried out with diligence. The next priority is employee concerns. I believe happy employees provide the most value and courtesy to customers, and I take great care in choosing and keeping quality personnel. This also minimizes the amount of time I must take to correct problematic employee behavior or to micromanage. After employee relations, vendor relationships take priority.
2. Can you tell me about a time when you had to prioritize personal matters over work?
The best answer would be that you have never had this happen and that your personal life does not interfere with your job. Realistically however, interviewers know that it has probably happened at least once if you have been working for many years. If you decide to give an example, choose an extreme personal matter like death of a family member that would be appropriate to prioritize over work.
Discussing sick children or any other family member you are currently responsible for the care of or discussing personal problems like spousal discord or other family drama.
3. Define your ability to organize projects from start to finish?
Describe the breadth of your project management experience including scope of projects and budget sizes. Describe phases and development of steps you take to bring a project to completion. The steps should preferably align with the position for which you are interviewing.
4. Tell me what do you do when things are slow at work?
The company wants their money's worth out of you. This question is designed to assess whether you will be actively earning your pay your entire shift or only when it's busy. Discuss doing productive things such as assisting others or other departments, catching up on non-essential duties, investigating new technologies that may assist in your field, reading and learning new ideas regarding your customers, or networking to build stronger business relationships. It also doesn't hurt to mention how you like to stay busy.
5. What task really tested your analytical abilities?
Job seeker should mention a time where he/she had to use reason and logic to resolve a problem. Job seeker may have analyzed all the relevant information and created a good, effective solution.
6. Tell me have you ever been in a real dilemma at work? What did you do to get out of it?
You should hear answers that show the job seeker has sound analytical skills to solve a problem; analyzes problems in great detail to come up with a solution.
7. Tell me about a time when you discovered more efficient way to do a work task?
Job seeker should be able to identify a time where he/she was having difficulty with a work task, found a way to rectify the faults and work more efficiently.
Job seeker should be able to explain how they can compile facts and figures for preliminary analysis; derive relevant facts and information from the study of this data.
9. Describe a tricky situation for which you found a very simple solution?
Job seekers answer should show that they are a problem solver, that they can analyze all the information, and come up with a solution.
10. Tell me what you assume your co-workers if you want to delegate successfully?
Job seeker should be able to view the positive potential of co-workers; does not rule out the possibility that a co-worker may want more responsibility; co-workers want to learn more; job seeker should recognize that the short term training investment will pay off in the long term.