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Marketing Interview Question:

In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a classic marketing blunder with its deletion of its popular Coca-Cola product and introduction of what it called New Coke. Analysts now believe that most of the company s problems resulted from poor marketing research. As the public demanded their "old Coke" back, the company relented and reintroduced Coca-Cola Classic (which has regained and surpassed its former position) while New Coke owns only 0.1 percent of the market. Which of the following marketing research mistakes did Coca-Cola make?

Submitted by: Administrator
* a) They did not investigate pricing correctly and priced the product too high.
* b) They did not investigate dealer reaction and had inadequate distribution.
* c) They defined their marketing research problem too narrowly.
* d) They failed to account for the Pepsi Challenge taste test in their marketing efforts.

Answer c
Submitted by: Administrator

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