How to rename an existing column with the "sp_rename" stored procedure in MS SQL Server?

Submitted by: Administrator
If you have an existing column in a table and you want to change the column name, you can use the "sp_rename ... 'COLUMN'" stored procedure. "sp_rename" allows you to change names of COLUMN, DATABASE, INDEX, USERDATATYPE, and OBJECT. The tutorial example below shows you how to rename a column:

USE master

sp_rename 'tip.subject', 'title', 'COLUMN'
Msg 15248, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_rename, Line 213
Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed
@objtype (COLUMN) is wrong.

USE GlobalGuideLineDatabase

sp_rename 'tip.subject', 'title', 'COLUMN'
Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break
scripts and stored procedures.

SELECT id, title, description, author FROM tip
id title description author
1 Learn SQL Visit NULL

You are getting the first error because 'GlobalGuideLineDatabase' is not the current database.
Submitted by: Administrator

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