Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Business process outsourcing (BPO) Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me would you leave us if another company offers you 2K more than us?

By asking this question the interviewer tries to analyze if the candidate will leave the job for a couple of thousands. Recruiting a candidate costs money to the company so they would like to hire somebody who has some loyalty towards the company. You can answer this question by saying that though you know the attraction of money every job offers but you would first try to analyze the growth opportunities with both the jobs. If your present company can offer you the desired growth with the industry trend, you would not switch. You will discuss the issue with your senior and ask his views on your growth in the present job and if you see that there is a potential to grow in the present job, you will stick otherwise you will politely inform him about your decision to move ahead in life. 42.

2. Tell us what is your expected salary?

Don't jump at a figure when asked a question about expected salary. Put the ball back in interviewer's court by asking them, “What does the company offer for a position like this?” If you are the one who has to speak out the figure first, give a range which is not too broad for. e.g. I expect something in mid thirties or something.

3. Tell me do you think you can work under pressure?

Work and pressure are always going to co-exist. It might be the pressure at work or on personal front but you should be able to deal with it. So, the answer to this question should be “Yes” backed up with some example where you worked under pressure.

4. Tell me why should we hire you?

To answer this question, you need to prepare well in advance. Read through the requirements of the job properly and match the qualities, skills and experience you have with the requirement. Now offer this as a reason for you to be hired.

5. Tell me how long would you expect to work for us if given an opportunity?

This question aims to find out your stability and see if you would jump at the first opportunity offered to you. To answer this question, you can just say that, “I intend to stay as long as I'm learning and growing & both of us are happy with the work.”

6. Would you like to ask any questions?

When you are going for a job interview, go prepared. Try to find out the latest information about the company. When you are asked this question, you can ask interesting questions like the opportunities for you to grow in the company, the expansion plans of the company and the chances for you to grow there. If the company has been in news recently, you can ask questions related to that also.

7. Tell me do you consider yourself as a team player?

Working for any company these days means being a team player. So, the obvious answer to this is “Yes”. You may quote some examples where you worked as a team.

8. Tell me do you know anyone who works for us?

Give a reference if you know anyone inside.

9. Tell us do you know anything about our company?

Answer to this question shows your level of interest in the job and company. Make it sure that you read about the company before appearing for an interview.

10. Tell me are you comfortable in learning new technologies?

BPOs run on technologies. So, you should be happy to learn them. Say “YES”.

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