Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Operational Leader of a Team Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Who is effective leader?

Effective leaders typically make smart choices. They must also be willing to make unpopular decisions or act when others are unwilling. People often avoid making important decisions because they fear they'll become unpopular or be criticized by management. When answering these questions, provide personal examples from previous work experiences. Describe the steps you take to solve problems, make decisions, conduct risk management, and evaluate results.

2. What are the leadership skills?

The term "leadership skills" typically encapsulates several business critical competencies including effectively communicating vision, motivating and inspiring others to excel, empowering others, help others to grow and develop, turning vision into reality, delegating responsibility, and making tough decisions. These are the skills that interviewers will be testing for when conducting behavioral leadership interviews.

3. Tell me how you keep yourself motivated?

✫ Breaking your workload up into daily or hourly targets to ensure that the next small success is never too far away.
✫ Living a healthy life-style. Eating the right foods and drinking lots of water in the office can have a big impact on your concentration levels.
✫ Motivating others and promoting a positive atmosphere in the office.

4. What are the key factors which drive you?

An opportunity to discuss what has attracted you to this line of work and what inspires you to persevere through the tough times. In a sales role, this could be the adrenaline rush of meeting daily targets, whilst in a customer-service role, this could be the personal satisfaction you gain through helping people.

5. What attracts you to this position?

Talk about the benefits the company has to offer and how they suit you at this point in your career. For example, if you are joining the company as a graduate, discuss how you plan to utilize their highly-structured training scheme.
Also comment on the company's reputation and try to make reference to a recent success you have seen on their website.

6. Tell me how much creative are you in comparison to your colleagues?

You will confirm that you are creative in your job role, and markedly so compared to some of your colleagues. You should then proceed to give examples which demonstrate this.
This question gives you the opportunity to tell the interviewer about how you developed a Monday-morning prize-giving incentive to get your team fired up for the week. Or how you introduced daily staff meetings to keep your team engaged with the goals of the organisation. Or implemented a buddy-up training program to help your new recruits settle in faster.

7. How do you measure the success of your incentives?

Whilst working in a XYZ as a leader, I introduced Sugar Fridays giving my team sweets and treats to get them through the Friday slog.
Prior to introducing the incentive, I compiled a backlog of sales figures from previous Fridays. I then introduced the incentive on a trial period, continued collecting data and cross-compared the results. There was an obvious peak in sales figures and so the incentive became permanent.

8. Have you ever utilised customer feedback to ensure business excellence?

The interviewer will be looking for an example of where you have taken this insight and subsequently developed, implemented and improved your sales process. This could be through the introduction of training, post-sale procedures, a change in marketing communications, or other process improvements, to ensure that the cause of any future complaint is eradicated.

9. Have you utilised customer complaint feedback to improve how your team are selling?

I started to notice that a lot of customers were complaining about feeling patronized by my agents. In response to this, I listened to the calls these complaints stemmed from and realized that words such as wonderful were being over used.
I then had a meeting with the worst offenders in my team and suggested changes that they could make to correct this behavior. After this meeting, customer complaints reduced and sales increased.

10. Tell me what is your experience of the whole end-to-end feedback process?

Recommend thinking about a specific instance and then discussing this in detail. Outline the process stage by stage and, if there are areas that need improvement, focus your answers on the solutions instead of the problems.

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