Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Fresh Layoff Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is the alternate if there is no layoff option found?

If there is no layoff option found then the employer must determine if there is an available position in lieu of separation that meets the following:
☛ The position is at the same or lower salary range maximum as the position the employee is being laid off from.
☛ The position is vacant and less than comparable or held by a probationary employee or an employee in a temporary appointment.
☛ The position is one for which the employee meets the competencies and other position requirements.

2. What should you do if you get called for an interview while you are laid off?

When you are called for an interview, you may ask the employer to send you the position description and any information about their organization so you can review it before your interview.
As with any interview, be prepared to detail your skills and to discuss what makes you a good fit for the employer and for the position. The employer is under no obligation to hire you so be prepared to sell your skills. It is a good idea to take your updated resume with you.

3. Will you be eligible for layoff registers?

Individual employers may define in their layoff procedures what they consider a reasonable commute. If an employer offers and you accept a position that is beyond what the employer's layoff procedure has defined as reasonable, you may be eligible to be placed on the layoff list for the job class in which you have accepted the layoff option.

4. List a few ways to respond, if you are asked why did you leave your last job?

Here are a few ways you can respond to the question:
☛ Reduction in force (RIF)
☛ Downsizing or reorganization
☛ Permanent layoff
☛ Temporary layoff

5. Tell me how would you be considered for rehire from a layoff list?

Hiring processes differ for employees based on whether the vacancy being filled is represented by a labor union or not. For non-represented positions, consideration for rehire will be in accordance with rules and the employer's layoff procedure. For represented positions, hiring is done in accordance with the agreement. The information presented here applies to non-represented positions.

6. How would you prepare your explanation for your layoff before you are asked about it?

Rather than squirm in your seat while you figure out how to discuss your involuntary separation, think through your answer in advance so you can provide the right response for the situation.
Follow these simple rules when you answer:
☛ Keep your answer brief.
☛ Keep your answer positive.
☛ Share something you learned through the process.

7. How would you explain if you were laid off from your last job?

The key is your attitude to the layoff rather than the layoff itself. Your attitude will be evident in how you communicate it to the interviewer. Prepare a statement that explains it in a concise and factual way that you feel comfortable with.
Give the reason such as downsizing, restructuring, a merger. Ensure that you highlight what you managed to accomplish during your time at the company.

8. What happens to your salary if you are rehired from a layoff list?

An employee's salary is retained if it is within the new range. If it is not in the new range, the employing official may set the salary at the maximum of the range or retain the employee's previous base salary depending on their salary determination policy. These options apply to:
☛ Employees appointed to a lower level position as a layoff options.
☛ Employees that accept a voluntary demotion in lieu of layoff.

9. Do you have to serve a probation period, if you are rehired from a layoff list?

Employers may require that employees serve a transition review period (except when an employee is being appointed to a comparable position performing the same job duties as the position held prior to layoff). During this time both the employer and employee should take time to see if the position is a good fit to the competencies, skills and abilities of the person who fills it.

10. What other things can you do to look for another job after your layoff?

☛ Keep your eye on new job announcements for the state and other employers, and apply through the usual process.
☛ Get on as many eligible lists and higher education statewide layoff lists as you can.
☛ Contact as many employers as you can for whom you think you might like to work. Try to find out if they would be interested in you should a position come open with duties that your skills and abilities might match.
☛ Update your resume.
☛ Watch for new job announcements so you can apply for them.

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