Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Fresh Day Boy Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell us about your education?

Even though your resume includes this information, some employers like to learn more. Remember to mention any classes, seminars, workshops, and on-the-job training you've attended that support your job goals.

2. Why have you chosen this particular field?

Answer this question in a way that illustrates your enthusiasm for and dedication to your career.

3. How do others describe you?

This is another way of asking "How do you think you will fit in?" You can prepare for this question before the interview by asking friends and/or people you have worked with how they would describe you.

4. What is your major weakness?

Answer this is a positive manner by showing how you overcame a specific weakness. For example, "In the past, it was difficult for me to accept criticism from my peers. I have learned to value and solicit this input, however, and it has improved my job performance."

5. Describe your best/worst boss?

Be careful not to present a negative picture of any past employers. If given a choice, always talk about your best boss. If pressed to describe the worst boss, pick a work-related characteristic that can be stated in a positive way. For example, "I had a supervisor who was vague when issuing assignments. I learned to ask questions so that I knew what was expected."

6. Give an example of how you solved a problem in the past?

It is important to be able to show the process that you go through when presented with a problem. State the problem and describe the steps that you followed to reach the solution.

7. In a job, what interests you the most/least?

Use this question to demonstrate how well you would fit the job being discussed. When discussing what you are least interested in, try to demonstrate a positive attitude.

8. What have you done to develop or change in the last few years?

Use this question to show that you are willing to be challenged and to improve. Employers are looking for people who are willing to continue learning. Talk about formal and informal educational opportunities that you have pursued. Mention books and periodicals you have read that are related to your field of interest.

9. Where do you see yourself in three years?

Telling the interviewer, "In your job!" is not a good idea. Instead, indicate that you hope to acquire sufficient skills and knowledge within that time to make a positive contribution to the company.

10. Questions to Ask About the Company:

What are the company's short- and long-range objectives?
What is the common denominator in your successful employees?
What does the company consider unique about itself?
What are some outside influences that affect company growth?
Where does the company excel? What are its limitations?
What is the department's environment like?

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