Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Project Assistant Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What is a successful project in Project Management?

First of all it should satisfy all the repurpose of itself and requirements of client. A successful project should be one that meets its cost, schedule and quality goals within engineering tolerances and without padding its schedule or budget. Project Manager should balance between all objectives so that a high-quality product can be delivered according to an efficient schedule at moderate cost.
After finishing it should be easy to operate, maintain & expand.

2. Described Project Planning?

Project Planning defines in detail the project activities and the product that will be produced, and describes how the project activities will be accomplished. Project Planning defines all major tasks, estimates the time and resources necessary to complete them, and provides a framework for management review and control.

Project Planning activities include defining and documenting the following:

► Work to be performed,
► Project goals,
► Estimates for planning, tracking, executing, and controlling the project,
► Commitments of the affected groups, and
► Project alternatives, assumptions, and constraints

Planning is a process that includes activities to estimate the size of the project, the scope of the effort, and the resources required to complete the project, as well as steps to produce a project schedule, identify, assess and manage risks, and negotiate commitments. Several iterations of the planning process may be performed before the Project Plan is completed.

3. What are rights of customer in Project life cycle?

In Project/Software life cycle client has the rights:
► To set objectives for the project and have them followed.
► To know how long the software project will take and how much it will cost.
► To decide which features are in and which are out of the software.
► To make reasonable changes to requirements throughout the course of the project and to know the costs of making those changes.
► To know the project's status clearly and confidently.
► To be apprised regularly of risks that could affect cost, schedule, or quality, and to be provided with options for addressing potential problems.
► To have ready access to project deliverables throughout the project.

4. Why the Quality assurance of software is important at its early stage?

Projects that don't set up processes to eliminate defects in early stages fall into extended test-debug-re-implement test cycles that seem interminable. So many defects are reported by testing that by the end of the project, the "change control board" or "feature team" may be meeting as often as every day to prioritize defect corrections. Because of the vast number of defects, the software has to be released with many known (albeit low priority) defects. In the worst case, the software might never reach a level of quality high enough for it to be released. That's why software testing is important from day one.

5. Tell the team about his past work performance?

Provide positive Feedback First:
Make sure that you first focus on achievements - just the good news. One of the factors that make working together so difficult is our habit of focusing on issues and problems to the exclusion of achievements and successes. In such an environment people feel undervalued and unmotivated and a feeling of Why bother? Shapes the culture.

Review Failures:
Next take time to review failures, asking the team to make a full list of disappointments. Let them know that this exercise has nothing to do with pointing fingers and everything to do with creating a realistic picture of the current status of the team and the business.

Take the Lessons:
Finally ask each team member to consider what can be learned from what happened. Discuss the potential lessons and align on the top three guidelines that would make the most difference to your success. Keep these alive throughout the year by regular review and public display with news of the difference the lessons are making to performance.

6. Described Continuous feature delivery benefits in Agile Software development?

To get the customer feedback early. Iterations allow you to manage risk sooner-you do not have to build the whole product to find out if you can meet a particular specification.

Another benefit of continuous feature delivery is that for some products, software being a good example, incremental releases can provide early benefits. Rather than wait 12 or 18 months for new software features, incremental delivery can provide quarterly or even more frequent ones. Incremental releases can favorably alter ROI calculations because they allow product managers to address opportunities that would be lost in 18 months. However, even though some products can be developed iteratively using simulations or prototypes, they are very difficult to release incrementally. As the battle over Web browsers showed in the late 1990s, customers often can't assimilate new product releases every three to four months.

7. Which most complex project you have managed from start to finish?

Provide a comprehensive answer remembering to explain the project as you would to a client and not to somebody who has been involved in the project.

The more complex a project the more formal processes and techniques are needed to effectively manage the work. Explain the purpose, value and implementation of the most critical aspects of the project including managing the project work plan, the project schedule, the project risks, the project issues and closing the project.

Be enthusiastic about your accomplishments and specify how your experience will benefit the company. Point out where you made a difference on the project in terms of expenditure, quality, efficiency, customer satisfaction and business and organizational success.

8. Have you ever faced any disagreements in previous job? How did you solve it out?

A project manager has to take into consideration several disagreements. They can be between employees, between the superior and the employees, or even the client and the employees. If you reply that you have never had any disagreements, the interviewer will wonder whether you were really a project manager for your skills or simply because you are a people pleaser.
Make sure that you come up with at least one incident where employees and superiors had differences in thought and you were instrumental in changing the scenario.

9. Why the customer developer partnership is important?

The success of any product involves meeting expectations-those of the ultimate customer, those of management stakeholders, and those of the project team itself. While delivering something useful to the customer remains paramount, keeping all the participants informed and involved is critical to success.

If we want products that deliver outstanding customer value, then we must have a customer-developer partnership, one with responsibilities and accountability on both sides (and similar relationships with key suppliers). Agile teams constantly seek customer involvement and are always asking the question, "Is what we are doing useful to you in meeting your business goals?"

10. How to deliver the product fast to costumers?

Simple solution is Keep away your team from non-value adding tasks.
Customers need working product not documentation. Project managers need to relieve the project team from as much compliance work as possible, even if that means taking on the tasks themselves. So that the development team can concentrate on the real work.

Agile frameworks do need minimal documentation and a mechanism to convey knowledge about project success and failure to others in the organization. The answer isn't eliminating either documentation or process, but approaching both from a simplified, lean, barely sufficient, just-enough perspective.

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