What Is an XHTML Element?

Submitted by: Administrator
An XHTML element is the basic building block of an XHTML document. An XHTML element has the following features:

► An XHTML element must have a name.
► An XHTML element may have zero or more attributes.
► An XHTML element may or may not have any content.

Here is a good example of an XHTML element:

<a href="http://www.globalguideline.com/">globalguideline.com</a>

The above an XHTML element has:

► A name called "a", which is coded at the beginning of the opening tag.
► An attribute called "href", which is coded inside the opening tag. It also has a value specified after the "=" sign.
► A string of text as the content, which is coded between the opening tag and closing tag.
Submitted by: Administrator

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