1. Do you use social networks to generate leads? Do you feel comfortable with this tactic?

Social networks, in my opinion, were created as an outlet to generate leads in the business world. I am very comfortable with this tactic and believe it is a great tool to reach out to prospective clients.

2. What can you do for this company as Loan Officer?

I can give my best for your company because you are giving me an opportunity and I will serve your company as my best as possible.

3. Please tell us what is your greatest strength?

Organised,proficient and well detailed oriented person who hav both organizational,interpersonal and intra personal skills.

4. Give us examples of ideas you've had and implemented?

I feel the most important system to establish in any business is a lead generation.. Without customers there is no business. But whats even more important is to make commitment to work and implement at least two to three good marketing lead generation systems.. Work leads within the branch generate business thru referral sources like builders, realtors, insurance agents, contact expired listings, for sale by owners, cpas- they have clients who are buying or selling a home who may need to refinance or cash out.. Appraisers.. Hud foclosures huds website, other lenders or banks or credit union loan officers but lists: Neighborhoods properties with no mortgages older then five years etc..Military transfers..

5. What applicable attributes do you have?

Strong analytical skills, people-oriented, enthusiastic, persuasive, work quickly and effectively, love being of service and making a difference, customer-oriented, extremely conscientious, polite, strong social skills and are excellent at quickly establishing rapport.

6. Why are you the best person for this job?

Because of my drive and passion for meeting client needs and the level of experience and comfort with which I approach the role. I am also very risk averse having a strong recoveries background so I think its a perfect balance for the role.

7. Are you efficient and organized with paperwork?

I am very efficient and organized with paperwork. I like to keep papers and paperwork together through files and folders and which helps me insure that I maintain attention to detail without getting documents misplaced.

8. What do you like to do?

Waking up in the morning and take a cup of coffee while thinking about my day to day responsibilities.

9. Please tell us why did you leave your last job?

Because I was ready for a new challenge in a more personable environment as opposed to the heavy corporate environment which I had operated in for so long.

10. If you had enough money to retire right now then would you?

I would not but rather invest in business and continue working to generate more income.

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11. What are your thoughts on the financial crisis and have we moved past it?

The financial crisis has deepened however it is cyclical so I expect to see an improvement. Spending in our local economy still seems to be somewhat low and improvement will only come when that improves.

12. Do you have any questions for me regarding Loan Officer?

What is you induction program like?
What direction is the organization going in to grow its portfolio.

13. Have you ever been asked to leave job?

No...All of my past positions have been positive.

14. Are you willing to travel?

Yes if the company requires.

15. Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?

I would like to see my self established with a could base of repeat customers. Originating Loans with high end customers.

16. Tell me about your marketing skills, and where in the past you have demonstrated these abilities?

I am very good a planning events to meet new reatlors- I hosted two events for example where I was able to network realtors in a relaxed setting. I also believe in mailing out campaigns - for example at IMN we sent out amailer and received a great deal of interest by customer wanting to reduce or eliminate their mortgage insurance from an FHA loan they had had. We converted them into a conventional loan or another FHA loan if it made sense to do so - that is they saved money.

17. What experiences do you have in this field?

My ability to communicate effectively to clients and confidence with large work load.

18. Was there a person in your career who really made a difference?

I shadowed a co worker at the internship at VNA Healthcare. She helped me out a lot with understanding how they do entries and how to record other information.

19. Do you feel it is better to work with 5 great realtors, or spread yourself over 20 mediocre realtors?

I think the more the Merrier, mediocre can turn into great and they'll remember who helped them get to the top. Also, the more opportunities you have, the more deals you will close.

20. What is the toughest problem you've had to face? And how did you overcome it?

Dealing with a customer who was madly in love me, I had to handle her proffessionaly in respect to the rule and regulations of the company.

21. Tell us what can you do for us that other candidates can't?

I can not say anything about othters, however I am a hardworking and proactive individual, if given a chance my work would speak for me.

23. What Qualities Do You Possess that Will Help You Be Successful?

As a loan officer, there are many qualities that you will need to possess in order to enjoy any level of success. You will need to be able to pay attention to detail, multitask and communicate effectively. To that end, an answer like "I am detail-oriented, and this is important to my success because it helps to ensure that I will not make mistakes. Similarly, I am comfortable with a large workload and I can take on many clients at once. My ability to communicate effectively will help to ensure that clients understand the terms of loan agreements or the reasons why their loans were denied.

24. How do you power through and remain focused while finishing paperwork? How important is it to properly complete all paperwork?

It's not hard for me to complete tasks such as paperwork. My secret is to stay focused and Keep my eye on the prize. I know that if the paperwork is not right, Nobody Gets Paid.

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25. Explain Your Methods for Meeting Goals?

Loan officers are often held to strict goals in regard to the number of loans they close per month. Your potential employer will want you to provide some information about the way is in which you intend to meet these goals. For instance, you may be told that you will need to close 20 loans per month. "I work very hard to meet goals and I have developed several methods for doing so. I pre-screen applicants to determine whether or not they have the credit necessary for a loan. This allows me to focus my attention on only those clients who may ultimately be approved" is a great way to start an answer, but you should elaborate further on additional methods.