1. Explain me through your latest budget preparation?
It was detailed, I work through how much money we made last year and made preparation through counting and analyzing the growth of the service, how much money we will need to be able to provide our service.
2. Tell me how did you maintain confidentiality when managing information?
When you sign an confidentiality agreement, you cannot talk about anything. Papers that are confidential are printed on a separate printer. Banking statements comes to my laptop.
3. Explain what are your greatest strengths?
I believe I can cope with pressure, work in a team and abide to orders given. I'm very motivated by nature and when it comes to strive for perfection, I'm among the first.
4. Explain me how have you managed potential payment problems with your customers?
I've had that situation only ones, However we had a very good lowers in the company that worked with them. I usually call and give them notification that they have to follow the contract.
5. Tell me why did you choose to pursue a career as an accountant?
My dream job was to be an accountant because I love working with numbers, am detailed oreineted, and base on my personality trait identified by Myers Briggs test I am a perfect candidate to be an accountant.
6. Tell us are you able to compile and interpret accounting data and reports?
Talk about any reports and data analyses that you have done, including financial analyses and reports, evaluation, inventorying, reports on equipment and real estate, documentation of accounting systems, management of account tables and entries, etc.
7. Do you know what is debit note and credit note? What is the difference between them?
Debit note is an intimation sent to a person dealing with the business that his account is being debited for the purpose indicated therein. It is a note made out with a carbon duplicate. The original one is sent to the party to whom the goods are returned and the duplicate copy is kept for office record.
Credit note is an intimation sent to a person dealing with the business that his account is being credited for the purpose indicated therein.
8. Tell me what type of schedule are you looking to work?
I do not generally prepare myself for the schedule. If one is prepared to enjoy your work, you will not be scheduling the same. However I am flexible to work at any schedules.
9. Express what are your greatest weaknesses?
My greatest weakness is I may not concern on details as I am a picture thinker. So,I will overcome this by list out every step before proceed it.Moreover,I will also plan for each of the step and write down the details.
10. Tell me what makes you a great fit for this position?
The portfolio of mine suits with the job responsibilities and I am flexible motivated and committed team worker too.
11. Tell me are you qualified (and experienced) in analytical and logical thinking?
This is best answered with examples of specific relevant responsibilities: analysis of business operations, financial advice based on projections of current and future revenues and expenses, specific problems solved, analysis and development of budgets, etc.
12. Explain what is Contingent Liabilities?
Contingent liability is an obligation, relating to a past transaction or other event or condition, that may arise in consequence, as a future event now deemed possible but not probable. Thus such liabilities as may arise in future are called contingent liabilities. For example: guarantee to a bank for loan advanced to a third party, possible penalties, fines and penalties payable to the government or income tax authorities etc. Future losses from natural calamities are not contingent liabilities. They are not recorded in books of account. They do not appear on the liabilities side of the balance sheet. They are shown by way of a footnote at the bottom of the balance sheet.
13. Explain us how do you handle stressful situations?
Well its the time when you are out of breath. I think outside the box at the situations. I will take a break and start fresh and ease myself and taking a break helps us to concentrate the work that is going to be done in the next few hours.
14. Explain us what do you know about our company?
Your company is the best of the Financial Position and Society this company have a good image and I want to this type of company to worm on my future.
15. Explain about your math skills?
I love maths, its really challenging, I believe its something everybody should love, I love identifying differences and solving them.
16. Tell me what is double entry Bookkeeping? What are its rules?
Double entry bookkeeping follows the principle according to which every debit has a corresponding credit; hence total of all debits is always equal to the total of all credits. In this system, one account is debited and at the same time another account is credited by the similar amount.
Following are the rules for different account
☛ For Personal Accounts : Debit the receiver, Credit the giver.
☛ For Real Account : Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out.
☛ For Nominal Account : Debit all the expenses, Credit all the incomes.
17. Explain me what are the important terms used in balance sheet?
☛ Current assets and fixed assets
☛ Tangible assets and Intangible assets
Equity is a claim which can be enforced against the assets of the firm in the court. Thus equity refers to a claim held by
☛ An owner only,
☛ A creditor only,
☛ An owner and the creditor both.
☛ Current Liability
☛ Long term Liability or fixed Liabilities
☛ Contingent Liabilities
18. Explain what is the difference between a trial balance and a balance sheet?
☛ Trial balance is a list of balances from the ledger account while balance sheet is a statement of assets and liabilities.
☛ Trial balance contains balances of all personal, real and nominal accounts, while balance sheet contains balances of only those personal and real accounts which represent assets and liabilities.
☛ Trial balance is prepared before preparation of trading and profit and loss account, while balance sheet is prepared after the preparation of trading and profit and loss account.
☛ Trial balance is prepared to check the arithmetical accuracy of posting into ledger while balance sheet is prepared to indicate the financial position of the business on a particular date.
☛ Debt and credit balances are shown side by side while balance sheet is prepared on a T form basis, the left hand side showing liabilities while right hand side representing assets.
☛ Closing stock does not appear in the trial balance while it is shown on the assets side of balance sheet.
19. Explain real account with examples?
Real Account is an account of assets and Liabilities.
☛ Types of Real account
☛ Furniture Account
☛ Land Account
☛ Machinery Account
☛ Building Account
☛ Goodwill Account
☛ Patents & Trade Marks Account.
20. Tell us where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
I see my self an expert in my job gaining the experience and enhancing my knowledge, looking to be promoted to a higher position giving me the ability to gain skills in other positions.
21. Explain a situation in which you received instructions with which you disagreed?
I have not experienced such in my career life, but communication between co-workers is the key to work successfully.
22. Tell me what are your career goals as a Junior Accountant?
Right from my schooling I wish to be an charted accountant and gaining knowledge in it is itself a big positive one as of me, However I wish to establish myself as an renowned accountant in the society.
23. Tell me do you have previous experience as an accountant?
Not really no. I have been exposed to some of the activities yes, however not the actual Accountant Job.
24. Tell me what is Deferred Revenue Expenditure? Give some examples?
Deferred Revenue Expenditure is a type of expenditure which does not result into the acquisition of any fixed asset and the benefits from such expenditure is not received during the period which they are paid for.
For example - Initial Advertisement Expenditure, Research and development Expenditure, Preliminary Expenses.
25. Do you know what is owner's equity? How will you calculate it?
Owner's equity, also known as capital of the business is the claim of the owner of the business against the assets of the business. Owner's equity is calculated by subtracting equity of creditors from the total equity.
26. Tell me what are the most challenging aspects of your work?
I can finish work on time but some time I need more time to work on extra.
27. Tell me how do you minimize the risk of errors in your work?
By checking while doing them to make it in effective way and with complete knowledge.
28. Explain what position in a team environment, do you normally take?
I like being a Team Leader although everybodys opinion and link counts as we all part of a chain,
29. Explain me would you be available to work extra hours if needed?
I am very flexible with time, I have no dependents so working extra hours isnt an issue for me.
30. Tell me what has been the most significant decision you made at work this year?
To discontinue with Honours in Accounting and focus on building my goal and vision.
31. Explain me about your computer skills?
Ms Excel and word & power point And Accounting Package.
32. Explain me why do you want to work for our company?
The company is focuses his clients, take care about its employers, it is possible career development, last, but not least financial compensation.
33. Do you know what is the relation between journal and ledger?
☛ The journal is the book of first entry whereas the ledger is the book of second entry.
☛ The journal as a book of source entry ordinarily has greater weight as legal evidence than the ledger.
☛ The journal is the book for chronological record whereas the ledger is the book for analytical record.
☛ The unit of classification of data within the journal is the transaction; in the ledger the unit of classification of data within the ledger is the account.
☛ The process of recording in the journal is called journalizing, the process of recording in the ledger is called posting.
Be specific here. Mention projects which were difficult or had to be completed in little time, or urgent problems you solved effectively. If you don't have an example from your professional life, you can mention situations from your personal or public life which demonstrate efficiency under pressure.
☛ Cheques deposited into the bank but not yet collected and credited.
☛ Cheques issued but not yet presented for payment.
☛ Bank Charges.
☛ Amount collected or credited by bank on standing instructions.
☛ Amount paid or debited by the bank on standing instructions.
☛ Interest credited by bank.
☛ Interest debited by bank on overdraft.
☛ Direct payment by customers into the bank account.
☛ Dishonour of cheques or bills.
☛ Errors in recording of transactions by either the firm or the bank.