1. When was the first motorway built in England?

The first motorway opened in Britain was the M6 (M=Motorway). It was known as the Preston ByPAss. It was opened in 1958.

When it was planned, the Preston ByPAss was seen as the first piece of a large network. It was deemed a success and led to the construction of a second motorway, the M1, opened in 1959.

3. What is an ice dam sock?

If you have never used a ice dam melting sock on your roof before, you will find that they provide an inexpensive method for removing roof ice dams and improving your home's heating efficiency. Roof ice dams are an annoying source of roof damage, leaks, and heat loss in the winter. The main causes are drip melt from improperly capped warm air vent pipes and poor roof insulation. Laying a ice melt sock onto the roof so it crosses the ice dam and overhangs the gutter, will melt through the snow and ice and create a channel for water to flow down into the gutters or off the roof. If done properly those ice sickles that form as the snow melts from the edges of the gutters will never appear, they too are a cause of much damage and are dangerous to life and limb.

4. What are the functions of a column in a building?

A column is used to support the weight of the roof and/or the upper floors. Now days, many columns are used for decorative purposes. A column along with load bearing beams can support a lot of weight.

5. What are the uses of Groynes?

They prevent, or slow down erosion, and stop long shore drift. This, however, can have bad knock-on effects somewhere near.

8. What are the advantages of building a dam on the river Nile?

It is the same as building a dam on any river. Dams are built to control flooding downstream during the wet season, generate power year round, and provide irrigation in the dry season.

9. What is kn measurement?

kn (both letters lowercase) is knots, which is a speed nautical miles per hour.

12. How do you measure water flowing through 300mm diameter pipes?

Same as in inches 3.14159265 and PSI have to be known.

13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of lead products in construction?

Disadvantages: -Lead is very toxic; its use can result in pollution of the ground and more importantly of water supplies. This leads to the contamination of drinking water and can cause hazards to human health as well as disrupting entire ecosystems.

Advantages: Because of its toxicity, lead is being bought less and less around the world, which of course results in the lowering of its cost. In addition, lead melts at a relatively low temperature, making it great for solder. However, recently the Chinese have show an interest in buying mass quantities to manufacture batteries made from a base of lead so the price of this metal may soon rise.

14. What does civil status mean?

Civil means like, when you do not get on with someone, but only talk when you have to. Alternatively, when you do talk you do not argue. Alternatively, if you are with someone who is of your both friends and family, you do not ruin it for them.

15. How and where are aqueducts built?

Aqueducts are built in areas where you have a bunch of motivated end users (like a town or group of farmers) at a low elevation in need of a more reliable source of water located somewhere fairly nearby at a higher elevation. The aqueduct builders construct a series of canals, elevated channels, and tunnels as required to get the water from the source to the end users. Some good examples:

a) Roman engineers built aqueducts throughout Italy and France from mountain water sources to serve city dwellers

b) Water-needy Southern California cities and farms are served by an aqueduct that brings them water from sources in Northern California

c) New York City is supplied by an aqueduct and tunnel system from sources upstate.

d) Inca farmers in coastal valleys built irrigation aqueducts from sources higher up in the Rockies

e) Native American cultures in Phoenix area built irrigation canal systems that diverted water from sources at higher elevations to irrigate their crops.

16. What is the density of most of construction materials?

If it floats it is less dense than water, 62.4 lbs/cubic ft. Wood is about 40 lbs/ cu.ft.--it floats. Concrete is 150 lbs. / cu.ft. -- It does not float.

19. Did any of the Egyptian pyramids ever fall down?

Yes, many did. The great pyramid and others that have survived did so for a reason. Their shapes made them sturdier over time and were not the first design. Many steppe pyramids were built but were too steep and as the corners eroded, the whole pyramid fell under its own weight. They were built too steep and did not have the base structure as seen in the great pyramid.

20. What is the tensile strength of marble?

Tensile Strength, Ultimate 7.00 - 20.0 MPA 1020 - 2900 PSI

this is the strength in a pure tension test. For bending use:

Modulus of Rupture 0.00410 - 0.0276 GPA 0.595 - 4.00 ksi

22. What is the strongest bridge for a school contest?

If you are making a spaghetti bridge, bunch it all together in a triangular prism or a big brick and just fill the gaps with Paste.

23. What is the withdrawal force of steel nails?

In engineering, the code-allowable withdrawal force is zero, because the wood exPAnds and contracts over time and the nail pullout force can reduce to zero.

26. What glue is least sticky?

Elmer's glue is least sticky.

27. What is the average density of soil?

For purposes of civil engineering, an average soil will have a density of about 100 to 110 pounds per cubic foot. (This can vary a little depending upon how well compacted the soil is.)

29. How many feet are in 4 square yards?

There are 9 square feet in a square yard therefore there are 36 square feet in 4 square yards.

30. What are the materials used in building a gravity dam?

There are many gravity dams constructed of comPActed earth. High dams are generally concrete. All dams require a spillway to be safe. The spillway must be armored.

31. Why are the bolts that hold steel rails together in oval holes?

It has to do with the design of the bolts. The reason that head of the bolt is oval. The head of a bolt fit flush into the bar and set in opposing sets is so that a piece of dragging equipment will not shear off all the bolts in a joint but rather the just the nuts one side. As a result, if the hole were not oval on one side there would be no way to tighten or loose the bolts in a joint.

33. How do you compute volume of airflow?

Orifice meter is used for measuring flow rate air.

34. At what point does a circle start losing area when being flattened?

The area ratio decreases slowly at first then more rapidly.

The area of an ellipse is A=pi x a X b, a and b are the 1/2 major and 1/2 minor axis. If a = r = b the area is A=pi X r2, which is a circle. Not hard to graph this but you will have to write the area of the ellipse in terms of the circumference.

35. Who built the sears tower?

While he did not build the structure (he died in l959), there is some evidence the idea was suggested under a different name (Illinois Building) by Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the few true skyscrapers in which he had a role. The original design for the Illinois Building would have topped off at 5,280 Feet! The Swears tower is a quarter of this at most, but there are similarities.