1. Tell me are there any limitations to a WordPress web site?

You can use WordPress for e-commerce sites, membership sites, photo galleries and any other type of site you can think of. The web site is created using the same html code as any other site so there are no limitations there either.

3. Tell me what do you mean by custom field in wordpress?

Custom field is a meta-data that allows you to store arbitrary information to the wordpress post. Through custom field extra information can be added to the post.

4. Tell me what is the simplest way to find out the number of parameters passed into a function?

It is really easy to find out the no. of parameters passed into the function by following the below provided command:

5. Explain what are the custom fields in wordpress?

We will add extra information to your post by using custom fields. Custom Fields are a form of meta-data that allows you to store arbitrary information with each WordPress post.
Meta-data is handled with key/value pairs. The key is the name of the meta-data element. The value is the information that will appear in the meta-data list on each individual post that the information is associated with.
To display the Custom Fields for each post, use the the_meta() template tag.
To fetch meta values use the get_post_meta() function.
For example we use custom fields:-
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘key’, true); ?>

7. Tell me when are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?

When the original if was followed by : and then the code block without braces.

8. Explain me do I need to know any programming to make updates?

To initially setup a site and customize it you will, though you don't need to worry about that because that is what we are doing for you. Once the site is setup we will train you on how to perform the updates (very simple) and you will be good to go. In order to perform the content updates you may need in the future you will not need to know any programming at all. I compared it earlier to using Microsoft Word and it really is that easy!
Forget about having to hire a programmer to make simple text updates on your site from now on, you can go in and do it yourself in a matter of minutes.

9. Explain me why does WordPress use MySQL?

MySQL is widely available database server and is extremely fast. It is an open source and it is available at no cost also it is supported by many low-cost Linux hosts so its easy for anyone to host their website.

10. Explain me how to run database Query in WordPress?

The $wpdb->query function allows you to execute any SQL query on the WordPress database. It is best to use a more specific function. Check sample code below for SELECT query.

<?php $wpdb->query('query'); ?>// Examples

$wpdb->query( "

UPDATE $wpdb->posts

SET post_parent = 7


AND post_status = 'static' "


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11. Explain me how to Change the Length of the Default WordPress Excerpt?

The default WordPress excerpt is 55 words long. By modified bit to your functions.php file you can change the length to as you required.Below is the code if we need 60 length.

function new_excerpt_length($length) {
return 42;

add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');

12. Explain me how to add option for open menu item in new tab?

This is very basic feature but sometime developer never use this so they have no idea and goto code and add manually that links.For add option in menu item for open link in new tab just navigate to “Screen Option” at top right corner in menu select check “link target”. See below screenshot.

13. Tell me why you use a static front page in wordpress?

Some WordPress users wants their WordPress installation to be more than a blog site. To give their page a look more like a real website page some users use static front page.

14. Explain me what are the essential features you look for a theme?

Theme selection differs according to the requirement, but an ideal theme would be something that would not restrict to use the number of pages, plugins or static homepage.

15. Tell me what are the reasons why one should not hack WordPress core file?

The best reason not to hack the core files is that whatever you might be doing has to be reworked as a patch.

16. Tell me in what case we cannot recommend WordPress to our client?

We cannot recommend WordPress on following situation:
• If client is working on non-CMS base project
• If site wants complex or innovative e-commerce
• In case of enterprise intranet solution
• Sites requiring custom scripting solutions.

17. Tell me can I use a database other than MySQL?

Other databases are not supported at the moment.
There are several other excellent database storage engines, such as PostgreSQL and SQLite that WordPress is interested in supporting in the future. Supporting multiple databases is trickier than it sounds and is not under active development, although there are plenty of architectural discussions about the best approach to take. Approaches for increasing the number of supported databases are discussed at Using Alternative Databases. There is a PostgreSQL port of WordPress available called WordPress-Pg.

18. Tell me how do I disable trackbacks and pingbacks?

First, unchecked Allow link notifications from other Weblogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.) on the Options > Discussion panel. This will only disable trackbacks and pingbacks on future posts. Now, to completely disable trackbacks and pingbacks, you will have to edit each past post and uncheck Allow Pings from the Write Post SubPanel. Alternatively, run this MySQL query from the command line on a shell account or using PHPMyAdmin: UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status=”closed”;
If your goal is to permanently disable trackbacks and pingbacks, then you should delete the wp-trackback.php file as well.

19. Explain me how do I prevent comment flooding?

Comment flooding is when a lot of comments (probably spam) are posted to your website in a very short duration of time. This is only one aspect of the broader problem of comment spam in general, but it can quickly overwhelm a moderator's ability to manually delete the offending comments.
WordPress manages the worst floods automatically by default. Any commenters from the same IP or e-mail address (other than registered users with manage_options capabilities) that post within 15 seconds of their last comment gets their comment discarded. The time setting can be changed by a number of plugins that extend this functionality. You might also consider one of the many broader spam blocking plugins, such as Akismet, or even turning your comment system over to Disqus.
You could also just change the time setting by directly hacking the core file, but the correct way would be to create and install a very basic plugin and insert the following code:

function dam_the_flood( $dam_it, $time_last, $time_new ) {
if ( ($time_new – $time_last) < 300 ) // time interval is 300
return true; // seconds
return false;
add_filter(‘comment_flood_filter', ‘dam_the_flood', 10, 3);

20. Tell me how to hide the top admin bar at the frontend of WordPress 3.4?

Add the below mentioned code in the theme(active) function.php

add_filter(‘show_admin_bar', ‘__return_false');

Add the below code in the active theme stylesheet

#wpadminbar {

display: none; visibility: hidden;


21. Explain me what is child theme? Why we used it?

A WordPress child theme is a WordPress theme that inherits its functionality from its parent WordPress theme.Child themes are often used when you want to customize or tweak an existing WordPress theme without losing the ability to upgrade that theme.
Advantage is child theme is Safe Updates,Easy to Extend,Fallback Safe

22. Tell me what if I need help after the project?

That is what we are here for! You will get full training at the conclusion of the project and we will be available for email support following the project when needed. Additional one on one training will be available at an additional cost if needed.
Coming soon we will be launching a new members support area here on the web site that will include full training for clients only. This will include a number of PDF downloads, tutorials and video training. This will be available to all past and future clients.

24. Suppose we are hacked in wordpress but steps have to do for prevent it?

The various steps have to do when you hacked:-
☛ 1. Change passwords for all users, especially Administrators and Editors.
☛ 2. Re-install the latest version of WordPress.
☛ 3. Make sure all of your plugins and themes are up-to-date.
☛ 4. Install security plugins like wp security for safe from hacked.

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25. Explain basic functions we generally used in WordPress? Why?

If developer have good knowledge then he/she must know this function name at-least 3-5
☛ 1. is_page() :- Condition for check if page is displayed. Its return true or false.
☛ 2. wp_nav_menu() :- Enabling WordPress 3.0′s Navigation Menu Feature
☛ 3. wp_list_pages() :- Listing All Pages
☛ 4. get_excerpt() :- Displays the excerpt of the current post with read more link for display full post.
☛ 5. is_category() :- Condition for check if category is displayed. Its return true or false.
☛ 6. the_title():- Displays the title of the current post
☛ 7. the_content():- Displays the contents of the current post.
☛ 8. bloginfo(‘url') :- Getting the Site's URL
☛ 9. bloginfo(‘template_url') :- Getting the URL to the Current Theme
☛ 10.the_time():- Display the time the post was published (uses PHP date formatting as a parameter)