1. What is crystal?

A solid mass such as a mineral, determined by its atomic structure. A single crystal growing without interference has flat faces and such crystals are highly valued. Others crystals growing with interference, such as crystals of quartz found in granite, will not have perfect form/flat faces.

2. What is what are some of the sub-disciplines within the field of Geology?

For instance, if you are thinking - I have a strong interest in physics/chemistry - can I combine such disciplines with geology and still be able to find employment as a geologist?
Geology is a broad field and allows for combining different disciplines - such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology with geology. In fact one of the main reasons students are drawn to geology is because they can easily merge their interests in most scientific fields with geology - an approach that is well-suited for solving environmental problems as the study of the Earth also involves understanding its physics, chemistry and biology!

3. What is Vein in Geology?

Mineral which may fill or comprise a crack in a rock, or masses of rock which occupy fissures in other rocks. Veins may have originated in many different ways and can present a great variety of forms and structures. They are often classified in three groups:
(i.) veins of igneous rock,
(ii.) of sedimentary, and
(iii.) of minerals deposited by water or by gases.

4. What is engineering geologists?

Engineering geologists apply geological data, techniques, and principles to the study of rock and soil surficial materials and groundwater; they investigate geologic factors that affect structures such as bridges, buildings, dams and airports.

5. What is paleontologists?

Paleontologists study fossils to understand past life forms and their changes through time and to reconstruct past environments.

6. What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is the development of industry and natural resources in such a way as not to damage the ability of future generations to meet their basic needs for food, shelter, products, etc.

7. What is environmental geologists?

Environmental geologists study the interaction between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and human activities. They work to solve problems associated with pollution, waste management, urbanization, and natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion.

8. Explain me industrial Minerals?

A group of minerals and rocks, largely non-metallic, that are of economic value (e.g., gravel, sand, clay, potash, building stone).

9. What is petrologists?

Petrologists determine the origin and natural history of rocks by analyzing mineral composition and grain relationships.

10. What is marine geologists?

Marine geologists investigate the ocean-floor and ocean-continent boundaries; they study ocean basins, continental shelves and coastal environments.

11. Why are minerals and petroleum important for Manitoba?

Manitoba minerals and petroleum represent the province's 2nd largest primary resource industry and the sector is a key contributor to Manitoba's ongoing economic growth. In 2012, the combined value of mineral production for metals ($1.325 billion), industrial minerals ($187.5 million) and petroleum ($1.62 billion) totalled about $3.13 billion. The industries employ an average of 5,700 workers directly, with many more in indirect jobs and generating millions of dollars in spin-off business.

12. What is matte?

A mining term referring to the product of a smelter (metal with some contained sulphur) which must be further refined to obtain the pure metal.

13. What is mineralogists?

Mineralogists study mineral formation, composition, uses and physical and chemical means for identifying them.

14. What is petroleum?

A complex mixture of chemicals, containing both oil and gas, made up of the elements hydrogen and carbon (combined as chemical compounds called hydrocarbons).

15. Tell me what's the difference between ‘soft' rock and ‘hard' rock geology?

‘Hard' rock geology focuses mainly on igneous and metamorphic rocks. Hard rock geologists work mostly with mineral deposits, mine development and bedrock mapping. Soft rock geology deals with sedimentary rocks where ‘sediment' was formed through long exposure to the elements or glaciers. Soft rock geologists quite often work in the petroleum industry.

16. What is compression Stage?

A stage in the formation of sedimentary rock that occurs when sediments are pressed together by the weight of overlaying layers.

17. What is roasting?

In mining, the treatment of ore by heat and air, or oxygen-enriched air, in order to remove sulphur and arsenic.

18. What is seismologists?

Seismologists study earthquakes and analyze the behavior of earthquake waves to interpret the structure of the Earth.

19. What is earth Science?

The study of Earth and all of its materials both above and below the Earth's surface.

20. How does geologic time link to Manitoba's landscape?

Manitoba's 650 000 km2 is underlain entirely by rocks of Precambrian age and sedimentary rocks deposited during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.

21. What is hydrogeologists?

Hydrogeologists study the occurrence, movement, abundance, distribution, and quality of subsurface waters and related geologic aspects of surface waters.

22. What is metamorphic Rock?

Rock that has been altered by heat, pressure, or hot molten rock (such as magma) from the Earth's interior.

23. What is sedimentary Rock?

Rock formed during the compression and cementation staged of loose sediments (e.g. sandstone) or by deposition from a solution (e.g. salt).

24. What is conductors?

Substances, typically metals and metallic minerals, which allow heat and electricity to pass through them easily.

25. What is economic geologists?

Economic geologists explore for and develop metallic and non-metallic resources; they study mineral deposits and find environmentally safe ways to dispose of waste materials from mining activities.

26. What is planetary geologists?

Planetary geologists study planets and their moons in order to understand the evolution of the solar system.

27. What is hardness Scale?

A scale used to measure the hardness of any mineral material, also referred to in geology

28. What is cementation Stage?

A stage in the formation of sedimentary rock in which the grains of rocks or minerals become fixed.

29. What is gravel?

An unconsolidated or loose natural accumulation of rounded rock fragments which are coarser than sand.

30. What is ore?

A natural concentration of minerals which can be mined and can render profitability.

31. What is Rock Cycle?

A sequence of events explaining how rock can change (e.g., from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock).

32. What is pyrite?

A bright brass-yellow mineral often called ‘Fool's Gold' and made up of the elements iron and sulphur.

33. What is metallurgy?

The various methods of preparing metals for use by separating them from their ores.

34. What is crude?

Oil that comes straight out of the ground as a liquid. Crude can come in a range of compositions and colours.

35. What is asthenosphere?

Portion of the mantle of the Earth that is non-rigid and able to flow.