1. Do you know what is web garden?

By default Each Application Pool runs with a Single Worker Process (W3Wp.exe). We can assign multiple Worker Process With a Single Application Pool. An Application Poll with multiple Worker process called Web Gardens. Each Worker Process Should have there own Thread and Own Memory space.

2. How to create an web garden?

For creating web graden we need to go to Application Pool, then Right Click on Application Pool > Properties > Goto Performance Tab

In Web Garden Section, increase the number of worker process. By default it is 1.

3. Tell me how To Save Application Pool Settings In A File?

Right click on Application Pool ->All Task ->Save Configuration to a File.
It will save the configuration file in xml format.

4. Explain me what Is IIs Application Pool?

Application Pool stated that Multiple web applications or Group of web applications.
Application pool contain one or more Web URLs used by Worker processes.For one website or many website we can assign Application Pool, to avoid the effect of other website need to create seperate Application Pool.

5. Tell me what is the Name of Default Application Pool in IIS?

Though we can create new application pool IIS with different settings, but IIS having its own default application pool named: DefaultAppPool

6. Tell us how to create a Virtual Directory on IIS?

Open IIS Configuration Manager
First of all Right Click on Default web sites > New > Virtual Directory .
Browse the Physical Path. Set the properites. Click on OK

7. Tell us can we create one Application Pool From Another Application Pool?

Yes. We can.
While creating Application Application Pool From IIS, there should have two option available first one is for Default Setting and Another is for Existing Setting as template.
We can select the second one and from the drop down listed below we can select any on the Application Pool as Template,.

8. Do you know what Are The Security Authentication In IIs?

1. Anonymous ( Default Authentication in IIS runs under IUSER_servername )
2. Integrated Windows Authentication
3. Basic Authentication
4. Digest Authentication
5. Passport Authentication

9. Do you know how To Restart Iis From Command Prompt?

Use the following command “IISRESET”.

11. Tell us what Are The Execution Permission For Virtual Directory?

1. None
2. Scripts Only
3. Scripts and Executable

12. Tell us what are the main layers of IIS Architecture?

IIS having mainly two layer Kernel Mode and User Mode

Below are the subsection of both of them.
1. Kernel Mode

2. User Mode
☛ Web Admin Service
☛ Virtual Directory
☛ Application Pool

13. What is different Available Identity Of An Application Pool?

For IIS 6.0 – NetworkServices,LocalService,LocalSystem

For IIS 7.0 – NetworkServices,LocalService,LocalSystem and Application Pool Identity.

14. Do you know what Is Isapi Filter?

ISAPI filters are DLL files used to modify the enhance functionality allocated by IIS.By default ISAPI filters run in IIS server.

change request URL or headers
perform custom authentication
Handle encryption and compression

15. Please explain what Is Web Garden?

Configure multiple work process on one application pool in a web server is called as Web Garden.Application Pool can configure for multiple websites hosted in IIS.

16. Explain me difference Between App Pool And App Domain In IIs?

App Pool and App Domain both are for isolations on different approches.App Pool use process to isolate without .net but for App Domain isolation methods by .net.

In Simple terms
For Multiple websites in IIS need different Application Pool.
In Single domain purpose we use Application Domain.

17. Tell us what are the different types of Identity available in IIS 6.0?

IIS having three different Identity.
1. Local System
2. Local Services
3. NetworkServices

18. Explain me what is Web Farm?

This is one of the most question in IIS. And along with that interviewer can as what is the different between Web farm and Web Garden ?

When we hosted our web Application on multiple web server under a load balancer call the Web Farm. This is generally used for heavy load web application where there are many user request at a time. So When Web Application is hosted on Different IIS Server over a load balancer, Load balancer is responsible for distribute the load on different server.

19. Explain me what is the Role of Http.Sys in IIS?

HTTP.SYS is the kernel level components of IIS. All client request comes from client hit the HTTP.Sys of Kernel level. HTTP.SYS then makes a queue for each and every request for each and individual application pool based on the request.
Whenever we create any application pool IIS automatically registers the pool with HTTP.SYS to identify the particular during request processing.

21. What is worker Process In IIs 6.0 And IIs 7.0?

For IIS 6.0 > w3wp.exe
For IIS 7.0 > w3wp.exe
in IIS 5.1 worker process is aspnet_wp.exe.

22. Do you know how User Can Attach A Particular Worker Process To Application When Multiple Worker Process Are Running In IIs?

First identify the Application pool name and process ID using cscript iisapi.vbs script.Later attach process from Visual Studio IDE.

23. Can you name of default Identity of IIS6.0?

Default Identity of IIS 6.0 is NetworkServices .
Which is having very minimum rights on your system. The user can only have the read access of the site.

24. Please explain how we can set the Idle Time out of an worker process?

We can set the Idle time out for an worker process from Application Pool Properties.

In Performance Tab of Application pool, we can set the Idle Time out of the worker process. This means worker process will shut down after that given time period if it stay idle. And will again wake up again if a new request comes.

25. Please explain what is the Role of IIS?

Visual studio having It own ASP.NET Engine which is capable enough to run Asp.net web application from visual studio. So we just click on Run button to start the application.
Now this is the scenarios of local environment. But If we want to host it on server from where all user can access the sites then IIS comes into the picture.

IIS provides a redesigned WWW architecture that can help you achieve better performance, reliability, scalability, and security for our Web sites. IIS can support following Protocol HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP Etc. We need to host the site on IIS, when request comes from client it first hits the IIS Server, then the server passed it to ASP.NET worker process to execute. Then the response also passes to client via IIS itself.

26. Tell us default IIs Port Numbers?

HTTP – 80
SSL – 443
FTP – 21
SMTP – 25
POP3 – 110
IMAP – 143
NNTP – 119
LDAP – 89

Other Port Number:
DNS – 53
DHCP : 67

27. Tell me what are the different way that we can hosted site on IIS?

We can hosted site on IIS either creating Virtual Directory through IIS manager or Using Folder Web Sharing .
Apart from that Visual studio provide some inbuilt features to host the site on IIS like using Publishing the web site , Using Copy web Tool or Creating Virtual directory during the creating the project by choosing Location as HTTP

28. Tell us how can we set the default page for any web application?

We can set the default page for a web site from the Virtual Directory Setting.
How To :
IIS Manager > Virtual Directory > Right Click > Properties > GoTo Document Tab.

29. Explain me what are the different security settings available in IIS?

Below are the commonly used IIS Security settings

1 Anonymous
2 Integrated Windows Authentication
3. Basic Authentication
4. Digest Authentication
5. Passport Authentication

For Set security permission you need to go to Virtul Directory > Right Click > Properties > Directory Security
Click on Edit Button .

30. Explain me what are the different version on IIS that you have worked on?

Before answering this question you need to know what are the different IIS version is available in different OS. Below is the list of IIS version with different Operating system.
Windows Server 2008 - Windows Vista - Home Premium/ Ultimate - IIS 7.0
Windows Server 2003 - IIS 6.0
Windows XP Professional - IIS 5.1
Now based on your working experience you can say that you have worked on IIS 5.1 and 6.0 or only IIS 7. Etc.
Now, the next question that can asked after answering this question is “what is the difference between them ? ” – Well I will come with this later.

31. Tell me how To Open IIs Manager?

From Run -> inetmgr
Start -> Programs -> Administrative tools

32. Tell me unique Properties Of App Pool In IIs?

1. Recycling Process
2. Performance
3. Health
4. Process Identity

33. Do you know what Is Web Farm In Iis?

Hosting webapplication in multiple webservers using load balancer is called as Web Farm.To avoid the high load in single server this load balancer method will use to distribute the traffic to different server on same web application.

34. Tell me worker Process In IIs 6.0 And IIs 7.0?

1. DefaultAppPool (Integrated)
2. ClassicAppPool

35. Please explain different Layers In IIs Architecture?

Two types of layers in IIS:

Kernal Mode
User Mode

Under Main Layers sub contents are:

1.Kernel Mode

2.User Mode
Web Admin Service
Virtual Directory
Application Pool