Explain the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks?
Submitted by: MuhammadIgneous rocks are formed through volcanic action and because of volcanic activity.
Sedimentary rock takes a long time to form and is dead bits of animals laid down in the sea and compressed over millions of years to form rock; anywhere you see sedimentary rock you are seeing the remains of creatures that were once in the ocean a long time ago.
Metamorphic rock is formed through a combination of heat and pressure inside the earth.
Submitted by: Muhammad
Sedimentary rock takes a long time to form and is dead bits of animals laid down in the sea and compressed over millions of years to form rock; anywhere you see sedimentary rock you are seeing the remains of creatures that were once in the ocean a long time ago.
Metamorphic rock is formed through a combination of heat and pressure inside the earth.
Submitted by: Muhammad
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