What are the eligibility criteria for an unlisted company to make public issue?

Submitted by: Administrator
The eligibility criteria which have to be satisfied by the Unlisted Company to make public issue are as follows:

1. Pre-issue networth of company should not be less than Rs. 1 crore and it should be maintained for last 3 out of 5 years with minimum networth.

2. The networth should be met for upcoming 2 years.

3. Tracking of the records of profits has to be maintained for at least 3 years out of immediately upcoming 5 years.

4. Issue size should not be more than 5 times its pre-issue networth.

5. Incase these requirements are not satisfied then the company can issue through book-building process, it has to allot at least 60% of issue size to Qualified Institutional Buyers.
Submitted by: Administrator

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