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#1 2019-01-07 04:54:38

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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51+ Support Agent Interview Questions And Answers

Help Desk Support Agent Job Interview Questions and Answers

Support Agent related interview test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn more about Support Agent and get preparation for the new job interview

Where do you see yourself in 5 years as Support Agent?
Tell us what do you enjoy about customer service?
Tell me how would you tackle X client complaint?
Explain me how do you measure your success as a customer service rep?
Tell us what skills could you bring to our live chat team?
Tell us how would you deal with an angry customer?
Can you explain what was your proudest moment helping a customer?
Can you explain me what do you do when you don’t know the answer to a question?
Tell me about your long-term career goals. Do you plan to remain in customer service?
Tell us in your opinion, what makes for great customer service?
Tell us what do you hope to get out of your experience with this company?
Tell us what makes for great customer service?
Please explain have you tried our product or service? What problems did you encounter?
Tell me why should we hire you for our customer service team?
Explain me an example of a time you went to great lengths to help a customer?
Tell us what are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to interacting with customers?
Tell me an example of a time when you identified a problem and advocated on behalf of a customer?
Tell us have you ever served a customer over live chat before, and what are some of the skills you might need in order to succeed as a live chat agent?
Tell us how well do you work under pressure, or in high stress situations? What do you do when things are getting tense?
Tell us how well do you work under high pressure/in high stress situations?
Can you explain me about an experience where you had to de-escalate a situation with an upset and/or angry customer, and how you handled it?
Tell me what kinds of customer service systems have you used, and how familiar are you with them?
Tell us what experience do you have when it comes to discussing our recently posted as Support Agent?
Do you know communication is at the heart of this position. Are you confident in your abilities to interact with customers successfully every time?
Can you explain us about an experience you’ve had with a really irate customer. How did you handle it?
Tell us successful employees in this field employ a strategy for remaining organized and keeping many tasks straight. How do you approach this problem?
Explain me about your previous work experience in customer service as Support Agent?
Explain me what is your experience working as part of a team, and what does teamwork mean to you?
Tell us about a reoccurring problem or complaint amongst your customers. What do you do?
Support Agent Interview Questions to Ask:
Basic Support Agent Job Interview Questions:
Tell us the customer service agent position requires strong problem-solving skills. Describe your experience developing these kinds of skills?
Can you tell us about some of the problems with previous products or services that you’ve supported?
Tell us what do you do when a customer points out a big, known issue with your product or service?
Explain me how much experience do you have in the service industry? Can you describe your previous service responsibilities?
As you know our field Support Agent is always changing. As such, what have you done with regards to personal development when it comes as Support Agent?
Explain me what is your experience with multitasking, and are you capable of handling multiple systems/chats at once?
Suppose in a situation where you couldn’t get the customer exactly what they wanted. What did you do to ensure their satisfaction?
Tell me after a calm morning, the queue is suddenly through the roof. You were hoping to go on break at noon, but your teammates need help tackling the surge. What do you do?
Explain me what is more important, the speed at which you wrap up a chat, or solving the customer’s issue in a single interaction? Why is that so important?
Explain me about a time where you have used feedback of your performance from a supervisor, colleague, or customer in order to make a change for the better?
Can you explain are you a team player?
Tell us what have you done at your current company to improve a process, save time, money or resources?
Tell me about a time where you have had a good experience as a customer, talking to a customer service representative. What made that experience so good?
As you know in a traditional call center, you cannot hear a customer’s tone over live chat. What are some of the cues that you can look for over live chat to know how a customer is feeling?
Tell me what do you know about our product or service?
Why should we hire you as Support Agent?
Explain me about your ability to work under pressure as Support Agent?
Tell us what types of customer service systems have you used in the past?
Can you tell me an example of a time you gave a customer great service?
Explain me what do you enjoy about customer service?

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2019-01-07 04:54:38

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