1. Explain me what Is the Adapter Framework?
☛ he BizTalk Adapter Framework offers a stable, open mechanism for all adapters to implement or access work from the BizTalk Server Messaging Engine.
☛ The interfaces described in the Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Framework namespace enable adapters to provide a means to modify configuration property pages.
☛ It also is a means to import services and schemas into the BizTalk project.
2. Tell us what effect does creating a new Host have on the Database?
When the new host is created it results in a new entry in the Host table in the Management database and also a new Host queue in the MessageBox.
3. Tell us what Is Distinguished Field In Biztalk Server?
A pipe line is used to write Distinguished Fields in the message context when a message is received on a port. Dis-assembler pipeline component such as XML and flat file disassemble does the job of writing the message context by the pipeline. In addition to it, custom pipeline component could also be performing it.
4. Explain me which SQL Agent job runs continuously?
MessageBox_Message_ManageRefCountLog_BizTalkMsgBoxDb is the job which runs continuously in spite of scheduled to run once per minute.
5. Tell us what is the purpose of MessageBox?
☛ Store all messages and context received.
☛ Stores all subscriptions.
☛ Stores all Host Queues.
6. Do you know how To Transfer Files Without Using Orchestration?
☛ By using content based routing, files can be transferred.
☛ By creating receive port and send port. If send port is configuring, provide the condition as BTS.
☛ Receiveportname= <receive_portname created>
7. Please explain the Persistence Points?
Following is the list of events (Persistence Points) that call the persistence operation:
☛ Orchestration Instance is suspended or finished
☛ System shutdowns in a controlled manner
☛ Engine determines it wants to dehydrate
☛ Atomic or long running transactional scope ends
☛ At debugging breakpoints
☛ Execution of other orchestrations through the Start Orchestration shape
☛ At the Send shape (but not atomic)
8. Explain me what is Message routing and Content routing?
When A message is passed through biztalk without being processed then it is called Message Routing. When A message is passed based on certain field value of schema, it is called content routing.
9. Tell us what Is Message Type (i.e. Bts.messagetype) In Biztalk Server?
Messages in BizTalk are data, and each message must be of a selected message type. E-mail, Documents, Info-path forms, large binary files, SQL records, flat files, and anything XML can be processed as messages. BizTalk is all about messages and message-oriented programming. The most common message type in Biz-talk is a schema.
10. Do you know what Is Trading Partner Management In Biztalk?
Information workers Manage trading partner relationships within organizations. Business Activity Services include a Trading Partner Management (TPM) component to allow them do those. TPM database stores information about trading relationships. Information workers can create and modify agreements with trading partners who use BizTalk Server.
11. Tell us what are the options for upgrading BizTalk Server Database?
There are two ways for upgrading
1.In Place upgrade
2.Transfer Upgrade.
12. Explain me promoted Property In Biztalk Server?
The promotion of Prompted Fields/Properties is done in the message context by a pipeline called receive pipeline at the time when a message is received on a port. This task is performed by dis-assembler pipeline component (XML or a flat file dis-assembler). In addition to it, custom pipeline component could also be performing it.
13. Tell me what does "Public address" property defaults to?
☛ This property defaults to file://{Receive folder value}/{file mask value}.
☛ The literal prefix file:// is required so as to communicate the protocol in use.
☛ It is string from 0 to 255 characters.
14. Please explain what Is Direct Binding In Biztalk Server?
Sending messages from one orchestration to another is done by using Direct Binding technique. It is also being used for sending messages directly into the message box. It is used in publish and subscribe system in BizTalk for sending messages among orchestrations.
15. What is biztalk Server Rules Engine?
A rules engine is a software system, which is used for executing one or more business rules in a dynamic production environment. The rules might be from legal regulation, company policies or any other resources.
16. What is the Purpose Of Bam In Biztalk Server?
Purpose of deriving up-to-date metrics and key performance indicators from the BAM databases, Business Integration tools are used.
The forecasting of process trends by uses and monitoring processes in real time scenarios is done by using BI tools. Users get alerts for situations which need their intervention for preventing undesirable outcome for encouraging beneficial results, a mechanism is provided by BAM.
17. Tell us is it possible to have various ports with the same name in two applications?
No. The names of the various ports must be unique, not just inside an Application but for the whole BizTalk group.
18. Tell me what are un-typed messages, how does one create them?
A message created in BizTalk Orchestration is bound to a schema, this is a typed message. In un-typed messages, the message is bound to System.Xml.XmlDocument instead of a schema.
19. Tell us which database stores the configuration information for receive locations?
Single Sign-On database (SSODb) securely stores the configuration information for receive locations, other known secret information is stored in the BizTalkMgmtDb.
20. What is the Biztalk Server Convoy And Correlation Sets?
BizTalk server detects the potential for certain race conditions, which are ensured that all correlated messages are received by the same orchestration instance. The potentiality of these race conditions is detected by BizTalk server.
These messages are treated as a ‘convoy'. A convoy set is a group of correlation sets. All such subsequent messages which match the general subscription are evaluated against the convoy set, and the matched convoys are routed to an existing port.
21. Do you know what is the purpose of Adapter?
Adapters are the components that enable the BizTalk to interface with the external communications protocol.
They mediate between the protocol and the messaging pipeline in use.
22. Do you know the Difference Between Routing And Content Routing?
Message routing is a method of passing through BizTalk without being processed.
Content routing is a method of passing of the message which is based on certain field value of the schema.
23. Explain me what Biztalk Enables For Companies?
BizTalk enables companies to integrate and manage business processes by exchanging business documents between business applications within or across organizational boundaries.
24. Tell us which service looks after known issues in the database?
Monitor BizTalk Server, this job scans the BizTalkMgmtDb, BizTalkMsgBoxDb and BizTalkDTADb database for any known issues, including orphaned instances.
25. Tell me how does one enable Correlations in BizTalk?
First create a Correlation type and then create an instance of it.
26. Explain me what is the default value of Retry count and Retry interval (min)?
The default value is "5". This can be altered through the Advanced Options Tab of the Transport Properties of a Send Port.
27. Tell me what are the draw-backs of BizTalk?
Not a very good support with legacy system. Like we faced tons of issue which we had to solve it someway or the other but Microsoft could not come up with a very good answer.
28. Tell us what can we expect when Propagate fault message is enabled?
☛ The fault message will be published to subscribing applications.
☛ If it is not enabled then any fault messages will end up being suspended and are available in the BizTalk Administration Console.
29. Tell us what are Persistence Points and what causes them?
☛ • Persistence is when the state of a running Orchestration is stored into SQL.
☛ • It is good enough to know various shape and actions cause persistence. More specifically, it occurs: end of a transactional scope, at a send shape, at a start Orchestration shape, during dehydration, if the system shuts down expectedly or unexpectedly, or the business process suspends or ends.
30. Explain me how can we check what's going on inside BizTalk Server?
The group hub gives the user an overview of what is currently going on inside BizTalk.
31. Tell us how does MessageBox treats messages without subscriber?
The message is suspended when there are no subscribers found for it.
32. Tell me what happens to file when message is suspended in a MessageBox?
The file adapter deletes the file from disk.
A "Message Assignment" shape is used to create a new message and assign values to it. A Expression shape is used to assign values to variables and also write 'if' conditions.
I think with biztalk things were not THAT challenging but with legacy systems things were. Like calling a webservice from oracle, or getting a LARGE object from orchestration into a oracle. And things like that.
For the FTP adapter you will need to configure port 20 and/or 21.