1. What is broadband Connection?

This type of connection gives continuous high-speed internet. In this type, if we log off from the internet for any reason then there is no need to log in again.

2. Explain me the key elements of protocols?

☛ Syntax: It is the format of the data. That means in which order the data is displayed.
☛ Semantics: Describes the meaning of the bits in each section.
☛ Timing: At what time the data is to be sent and how fast it is to be sent.

3. Explain me piggybacking?

In data transmission if the sender sends any data frame to the receiver then the receiver should send the acknowledgment to the sender. The receiver will temporarily delay (waits for the network layer to send the next data packet) the acknowledgment and hooks it to the next outgoing data frame, this process is called as Piggybacking

4. Tell us what is protocol?

A set of instructions or rules or guidelines that are used in establishing communications between computers of a network is called as Protocol.

5. Explain me what is HTTPs and what port does it use?

HTTPS is a Secure HTTP. HTTPS is used for secure communication over a computer network. HTTPS provides authentication of websites which prevents unwanted attacks.

In a bi-directional communication, HTTPS protocol encrypts the communication so that tampering of the data gets avoided. With the help of a SSL certificate, it verifies if the requested server connection is a valid connection or not. HTTPS uses TCP with port 443.

6. Explain what is mesh Topology?

In a Mesh Topology, each device of the network is connected to all other devices of the network. Mesh Topology uses Routing and Flooding techniques for data transmission.

The advantage of mesh topology is if one link breaks then it does not affect the whole network. And the disadvantage is, huge cabling is required and it is expensive.

7. Explain me what is Data Encapsulation?

In a computer network, to enable data transmission from one computer to another, the network devices send messages in the form of packets. These packets are then added with the IP header by OSI reference model layer.

The Data Link Layer encapsulates each packet in a frame which contains the hardware address of the source and the destination computer. If a destination computer is on the remote network then the frames are routed through a gateway or router to the destination computer.

8. Explain what is star Topology?

In Star Topology, there is a central controller or hub to which every node or device is connected through a cable. In this topology, the devices are not linked to each other. If a device needs to communicate with the other, then it has to send the signal or data to the central hub. And then the hub sends the same data to the destination device.

The advantage of the star topology is that if a link breaks then only that particular link is affected. The whole network remains undisturbed. The main disadvantage of the star topology is that all the devices of the network are dependent on a single point (hub). If the central hub gets failed, then the whole network gets down.

9. What is metropolitan Area Network (MAN)?

It is a powerful network type than LAN. The area covered by MAN is a small town, city etc. A huge server is used to cover such a large span of area for connection.

10. Tell me what is HTTP and what port does it use?

HTTP is HyperText Transfer Protocol and it is responsible for web content. Many web pages are using HTTP to transmit the web content and allow the display and navigation of HyperText.

It is the primary protocol and port used here is TCP port 80.

11. What is peer-to-peer networks (P2P)?

When two or more computers are connected together to share resources without the use of a central server is termed as a peer-to-peer network. Computers in this type of network act as both server and client. Generally used in small companies as they are not expensive.

12. Tell us what is unicasting?

When a piece of information or a packet is sent from a particular source to a specified destination then it is called as Unicasting.

13. What is access VPN?

Access VPN's provides connectivity to the mobile users and telecommuters. It is an alternative option for dial-up connections or ISDN connections. It provides low-cost solutions and a wide range of connectivity.

14. What is transport Layer?

It receives the data from the Application Layer which is above Transport Layer. It acts as a backbone between the host's system connected with each other and it mainly concerns about the transmission of data. TCP and UDP are mainly used as a Transport Layer protocols.

15. What is personal Area Network (PAN)?

It is a smallest and basic network type that is often used at home. It is a connection between the computer and another device such as phone, printer, modem tablets etc

16. What is anycasting?

Sending the datagrams from a source to the nearest device among the group of servers which provide the same service as the source is termed as Anycasting.

17. What is Wi-Fi?

It is a wireless internet connection between the devices. It uses radio waves to connect to the devices or gadgets.

18. Do you know what is the difference between Internet, Intranet, and Extranet?

The terminologies Internet, Intranet, and Extranet are used to define how the applications in the network can be accessed. They use similar TCP/IP technology but differ in terms of access levels for each user inside the network and outside the network.

Internet: Applications are accessed by anyone from any location using the web.

Intranet: It allows limited access to the users in the same organization.

Extranet: External users are allowed or provided with access to use the network application of the organization.

19. Tell me what are Routers?

The router is a network device which connects two or more network segments. The router is used to transfer information from the source to destination.

Routers send the information in terms of data packets and when these data packets are forwarded from one router to another router then the router reads the network address in the packets and identifies the destination network.

20. What is intranet VPN?

They are useful for connecting remote offices using shared infrastructure with the same policy as a private network.

21. Tell me what is networking?

The design and construction of a network are termed as networking.

22. Explain what is broadcasting?

Sending a packet to each device of the network is termed as broadcasting.

23. Tell me what is the full form of IDEA?

IDEA stands for International Data Encryption Algorithm.

24. What is medium?

This is nothing but the medium used by the computers for communication.

25. What is the router?

The router is nothing but a switch which processes the signal/traffic using routing protocols.

26. Tell me what is network?

A set of computers or devices connected together with a communication path to share data.

27. What is network or Internet Layer?

This layer sends the packets across the network. Packets mainly contain source & destination IP addresses and actual data to be transmitted.

28. What is what is Sanity Test (or) Build test?

Verifying the critical (important) functionality of the software on a new build to decide whether to carry further testing or not is termed as Sanity Test.

29. Tell me what is full Duplex?

Data transferring happens in both directions that too simultaneously.

Eg: Two lane road where traffic flows in both the directions, communication through telephone etc.

30. What is router / Gateway?

A device/computer/node that is connected to different networks is termed as a Gateway or Router. The basic difference between these two is that Gateway is used to control the traffic of two contradictory networks whereas router controls the traffic of similar networks.

31. Explain me the layers of OSI model?

OSI model stands for Open System Interconnection It is a framework which guides the applications how they can communicate in a network.

OSI model has seven layers. They are listed below,

☛ Physical Layer (Deals with transmission and reception of unstructured data through a physical medium)
☛ Data Link Layer (Helps in transferring error-free data frames between nodes)
☛ Network Layer (Decides the physical path that should be taken by the data as per the network conditions)
☛ Transport Layer (Ensures that the messages are delivered in sequence and without any loss or duplication)
☛ Session Layer (Helps in establishing a session between processes of different stations)
☛ Presentation Layer (Formats the data as per the need and presents the same to Application layer)
☛ Application Layer (Serves as the mediator between Users and processes of ap

32. Do you know what is a Network?

A network is a set of devices connected to each other using a physical transmission medium.

Example: A Computer Network is a group of computers connected with each other to communicate and share information and resources like hardware, data, and software across each other.

In a network, nodes are used to connect two or more networks.

33. Tell me what is meant by and local host?

IP address, is reserved for loopback or local host connections. These networks are usually reserved for the biggest customers or some of the original members of the Internet. To identify any connection issue, the initial step is to ping the server and check if it is responding.

If there is no response from the server then there are various causes like the network is down or the cable needs to be replaced or network card is not in a good condition. is a loopback connection on the Network Interface Card (NIC) and if you are able to ping this server successfully, then it means that the hardware is in a good shape and condition. and local host are the same things in most of the computer network functioning.

34. What is local Area Network (LAN)?

LAN is used in small offices and internet cafe to connect a small group of computers to each other. Usually, they are used to transfer a file or for playing the game in a network.

35. Do you know what is WiMAX?

It is the most advanced type of internet connection which is more featured than Wi-Fi. It is nothing but the high-speed and advanced type of broadband connection.