The range of values spanned by the gray scale is called dynamic range of an image. Image will have high contrast, if the dynamic range is high and image will have dull washed out gray look if the dynamic range is low.
2. What do you meant by Color model?
A Color model is a specification of 3D-coordinates system and a subspace within that system where each color is represented by a single point.
3. What are the types of light receptors?
The two types of light receptors are
• Cones and
• Rods
4. What is Chromatic Adoption?
The hue of a perceived color depends on the adoption of the viewer. For example,the American Flag will not immediately appear red, white, and blue of the viewer has been subjected to high intensity red light before viewing the flag. The color of the flag will appear to shift in hue toward the red component cyan.
A digital image is composed of a finite number of elements each of which has a particular location or value. These elements are referred to as pixels or image elements or picture elements or pixls elements.
6. What is geometric transformation?
Transformation is used to alter the co-ordinate description of image.
The basic geometric transformations are
1. Image translation
2. Scaling
3. Image rotation
7. What is meant by mach band effect?
Mach band effect means the intensity of the stripes is constant. Therefore it preserves the brightness pattern near the boundaries, these bands are called as mach band effect.
When x, y and the amplitude values of f all are finite discrete quantities , we call the image digital image.
9. What do you meant by Gray level?
Gray level refers to a scalar measure of intensity that ranges from black to grays and finally to white.
Path from pixel p with co-ordinates (x, y) to pixel q with co-ordinates (s,t) is a
sequence of distinct pixels with co-ordinates.
35. Give the formula for calculating D4 and D8 distance.
D4 distance ( city block distance) is defined by
D4(p, q) = |x-s| + |y-t|
D8 distance(chess board distance) is defined by
D8(p, q) = max(|x-s|, |y-t|).
11. Explain what is simultaneous contrast?
The region reserved brightness not depend on its intensity but also on its background. All centre square have same intensity. However they appear to the eye to become darker as the background becomes lighter.
12. How cones and rods are distributed in retina?
In each eye, cones are in the range 6-7 million and rods are in the range 75-150 million.
Brightness of an object is the perceived luminance of the surround. Two objects with different surroundings would have identical luminance but different brightness.
14. What is meant by machband effect?
Machband effect means the intensity of the stripes is constant. Therefore it preserves the brightness pattern near the boundaries, these bands are called as machband effect.
15. Define sampling and quantization?
Sampling means digitizing the co-ordinate value (x, y).
Quantization means digitizing the amplitude value.
16. What are sampling and quantization?
Sampling means digitizing the co-ordinate value (x, y).Quantization means digitizing the amplitude value. Several rods are connected to one nerve end. So it gives the overall picture of the image.This is also known as thin lightvision.
17. Differentiate photopic and scotopic vision?
Photopic vision Scotopic vision
1. The human being can resolve the fine details with these cones because each one is connected to its own nerve end.
2. This is also known as bright light vision.
Resolution is defined as the smallest number of discernible detail in an image.Spatial resolution is the smallest discernible detail in an image and gray level resolution refers to the smallest discernible change is gray level.
19. What is image translation and scaling?
Image translation means reposition the image from one co-ordinate location to another along straight line path.
Scaling is used to alter the size of the object or image (ie) a co-ordinate system is scaled by a factor.
20. What do you meant by shrinking of digital images?
Shrinking may be viewed as under sampling. To shrink an image by one half, we delete every row and column. To reduce possible aliasing effect, it is a good idea to blue an image slightly before shrinking it.
21. Explain subjective brightness and brightness adaptation?
Subjective brightness means intensity as preserved by the human visual system.Brightness adaptation means the human visual system can operate only from scotopic to glare limit. It cannot operate over the range simultaneously. It accomplishes this large variation by changes in its overall intensity.
22. What are the steps involved in DIP?
1. Image Acquisition
2. Preprocessing
3. Segmentation
4. Representation and Description
5. Recognition and Interpretation
23. Do you know what is Rectification in image processing?
Image rectification is a transformation process used to project two-or-more images onto a common image plane. It
corrects image distortion by transforming the image into a standard coordinate system.
It is used in computer stereo
vision to simplify the problem of finding matching points between images.
It is used in geographic information systems to
merge images taken from multiple perspectives into a common map coordinate system.
24. What is meant by illumination and reflectance?
Illumination is the amount of source light incident on the scene. It is represented as i(x, y). Reflectance is the amount of light reflected by the object in the scene. It is represented by r(x, y).
25. What is illumination and reflectance?
Illumination is the amount of source light incident on the scene. It is represented as i(x, y).
Reflectance is the amount of light reflected by the object in the scene. It is represented by r(x, y).
26. List the categories of digital storage?
1. Short term storage for use during processing.
2. Online storage for relatively fast recall.
3. Archival storage for infrequent access.
27. What are the differences between Structural Patterns & Morphological Structural Element?
In software engineering, structural design patterns are design patterns that ease the design by identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities.
d) nearest neighbour interpolation
Its called as Nearest Neighbour Interpolation since for each new location the intensity of the next neighbouring pixel is assigned.
d) None of the Mentioned
All the options can be used to represent spatial resolution.
a) Intensity Resolution
Number of bits used to quantise intensity of an image is called intensity resolution.
31. Write short notes on neighbors of a pixel?
The pixel p at co-ordinates (x, y) has 4 neighbors (ie) 2 horizontal and 2 vertical neighbors whose co-ordinates is given by (x+1, y), (x-1,y), (x,y-1), (x, y+1). This is called as direct neighbors. It is denoted by N4(P)
Four diagonal neighbors of p have co-ordinates (x+1, y+1), (x+1,y-1), (x-1, y-1),
(x-1, y+1). It is denoted by ND(4).
Eight neighbors of p denoted by N8(P) is a combination of 4 direct neighbors and 4 diagonal neighbors.
32. Specify the elements of DIP system?
1. Image Acquisition
2. Storage
3. Processing
4. Display
b) nearest neighbour interpolation
Bilinear interpolation is where the FOUR neighbouring pixels is used to estimate intensity for a new location.
a) Quantisation
The transition between continuous values of the image function and its digital equivalent is called Quantisation.
35. What is Hue and saturation?
Hue is a color attribute that describes a pure color where saturation gives a measure of the degree to which a pure color is diluted by white light.