1. What is the min and Max length of password?
Testing application with some boundary values
Before the value
Beyound the Value
there are three types of inputs for an module
Entering the values before the current and correct value
accurate input value
beyound the value
-> Extensions: .Swf or .fla
-> It's used to develop advertise ments, animations, web page components
-> Content/component is dynamic
-> Extensions: .HTML
-> It's used to develop the web pages
-> Content/component is static
-> Flash files can be integrade into web pages
3. Tell me how many possibilities are there to test a text field? What are they?
If my understanding is right. You can test the below conditions, which are BVA.
(If assumed the max length is 10)
1. Leave the field blank.(0)-If the requirement says the field is mandatory then this test should fail. If not should allow to leave it blank.
2. Enter any text with length max-1(9)
3. Enter any text with maximum length(10)
4. Enter any text with length max+1(11)
In Most cases ECP is not defined. But if its defined for example the requirement is A-Z,a-z and 0-9 are the only valid set.
Then you can test the below conditons:
1.It should give an error when a spl character is entered.
Depending on the priority of the the requirement. You can test different conditions like.a) having a spl char at start
b) having a spl char at the end. and etc.
5. Write the Functional Test Case clearly for the water Heater?
Functional test cases tests the basic functionality of the product.
For water heater we can have following test cases:
1. Verify if it heats the water.
2. Check if it satisfied the claims mentioned in specification document like: electricity consumption, works on 3-Phase or 1-Phase current, maximum capacity of water it can heat, risk factors and protection factors (from current).
3. The weight of the geyser.
6. Tell me how the Functional Test Cases could be mapped?
Functional test cases can be mapped with functional requirement document with the help of Requirement traceability matrix (RTM).
RTM is a document which shouws the mapping of test cases against requirements. So if we want on to trace a test case to a requirement, we can see the mapping in RTM document.
1.verify that the first field is accepting string.
2.verify that the first field is not accepting any thing other than a text(numbers(purely numbers with out any string data type) null characters, special characters)
3.verify that the second field is accepting float values.
4. verify that the second field is not acepting any thig other than float.
5.verify the output when the above conditions are met, o not.
Well, in this case we can have the following scenarios
Five test cases:
1. Enter the data in all the mandatory fields and summit, shouldnt issue any error message
2. Enter data in any two mandatory fields and summit, should issue an error message
3. Dont enter in any of the fields should issue an error message
4. If the fields accept only number, enter numbersin the fields and submit, should not issue an error message, try to enter only in two fields should issue an error message, and enter alphabets in two fields and number in other two fields it should issue an error meaage
5. If the fields doesnt accept special characters, then enter the charatcers and submit it.
9. Explain what are the modules and sub modules manually tested in Retail banking project?
There are 3 modules in Retail banks 1. Admin, 2.Banker 3.Customer. I wanted to know, commonly what are the change requirement occurs in these modules(in a already working bank)? Also, provide few test scenarios the respective change requirement?
Back end testing means testing database. testing the inputs properly saved at back end or not.make sure whatever we input data at front end it properly saved at backend. Where as regression testing means repeatedly testing the application to make sure application should reach as per the requirement specification.
11. Explain what is a break-in function? How do you perform this in software testing?
There are 3 modules if you logged in first module then it will move to next next module this is the working function
While we are working if we entered in module 1 then to module 2 then to module 3 then in the last page if we work it should directly break the link and move to first module first page
12. Explain what is the difference between Agile methodology and Waterfall model?
Agile method:1)It's highest priority is to satisfy customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
2)changing requirements,sometimes late in development.
3)Delivery of working software frequently,shorter time duration.
4)Business people and developers work throughout the project.
5)Build projects considering few trusted people,by giving support and help in any manner needed for the software to become available.
Functionality testing is testing for requirements. So now tell us wouldn't you like to check if the application adheres to the requirements that client desires as they are paying for the entire project?
14. Tell me what are the Limitations of Black box Testing?
Black box testing which is otherwise termed as Specification based technique.Hence the major job of this technique is abiding the specification made for the project.This technique is handicapped when the specification is already missing.
Here it is not possible to incident regarding the coding quality and standard.
Black box testing is unaware of the " Coverage " technique .So the percentage of the item exercised by the test case can not be determined.
15. Explain what do you mean by a dependent functionality in a build?
Functional testing is a type of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal program structure is rarely considered (Not like in white-box testing)
If you donot have much time to test the whole application, then the best approach is by giving priorities to the functions or the modules.
For example, login window of an application has a very high priority, caz it authenticates the user and allows the users to access the application.
Another example, if its a database apllication, you need to check the users rights in the login screen, data storing by checking data addition, deleting and edyting etc.
17. Explain the difference between the functional testing and functionality testing?
Functional Testing sometimes called black box testing because no knowledge of the internal logic of the system is used to develop testcases.for example ,if a certain function key should produce a specific result when pressed, a functional tet validates this expectation by pressing the function key and observing the result.when conducting functional tests, you will use validation techniques almost exclusively.
Functional testing advantages:
simulates actual system usage.
makes no system structure assumptions.
Potential of missing logical errors in software
possibility of redundant testing.
Functionality Testing:
Its part of Functional testing. Giving the input and checking the output. Testing the application against specifications.
18. Tell me what is difference between equal partitioning and boundary analysis?
Equivalence partitioning is a technique that divides the i/p domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be delivered.
- For each piece of the specification, generate 1 or more eqvilence classes.
- Label the classes as "valid" and "invalid"
- Generate testcases that cover as many possible valid and invalid wquilance classes
Boundary value Analysis : a technique in which the testcases that explore the boundary conditions have a higher probability of detecting error.
- verify the faults at near boundaries
- Faults tend to arround near boundaries
- Good place to look for faults
- Test values on bothsides of boundaries
Valid boundaries: minimum, maximum
Invalid boundaries: min-1, max+1
19. Tell me what type of Testing you will do once the FRD is in place and approved?
FRD stands for functional Requirement Document. The first type of testing you would do when the FRD is ready and approved is STATIC TESTING. This involves studying the work documents like the Requirement document itself to see if there are any errors in it before you start your requirement extraction into an Excel Spreadsheet.
At this early stage OD the testing cycle where your Requirement Documents is just being approved, the application under test is most likely not ready, so you can not carry out Smoke Testing or Sanity Testing.
20. Explain your approach to estimate the time that it will take to test a functional area?
To know about the status of the project use RTM
Schedule Variance = Actual Scheduled - Planned Schedule
21. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testcase?
Smoke testing-it is a bulid verification test.
only the essential functionalities will be checked.
Sanity testing-only sanity of code will be checked.
Particular code will be checked before it actually combined to existing system.
22. Tell me what all do you report at the END of Testing?
We will send "End to Testing Checklist" and "Test Summary Report". These reports includes what features we cover into the application and defects and other details.
23. What is Test item tree? Can you provide an example that helps to create a test item tree?
Test Item tree is a data analytical method which allows constructing a hierarchical structure on the items of a questionnaire or test from observed response patterns.
Assume that we have a questionnaire with m items(see below q1,q2,q3, etc..) and that subjects can answer positive (1) or negative (0) to each of these items, i.e. the items are dichotomous. If n subjects answer the items this results in a binary data matrix D with m columns and n rows. Typical examples of this data format are test items which can be solved n(1 )or failed n(2) by subjects. Other typical examples are questionnaires where the items are statements to which subjects can agree (1) or disagree (0).
24. Explain what are the differences between system and functional testing?
System testing has classifications like functional and non functional testing. Hence the functional testing is a part of system testing.
System testing allows the testers to test the typical end product. Every single module, interface and every minute detail are needed to be tested in system testing.
Functional testing is aimed at testing the functionalities of the product being tested. These functionalities include volume, stress, load, security, scalability, performance etc. Hardware and software is not concerned with functional testing.
25. Tell me What is what is functional testing?
Functional testing verifies that the end user gets what he wants from the application. It involves testing to ensure that the tasks or the steps required completing functionality works well. Functional testing involves testing of functional requirements as per the specification.