1. Explain Data Mover questions.....where did you use etc?

Data mover is used to move data of a record of database to another record in another database and the records should be identical in all respects like the number of fields, keys and fields

2. What is Customer Connection?

Log into (currently) PeopleSoft website with your login and password - https://www.peoplesoft.com/corp/en/login.jsp

6. Tell me How did you apply your patces and bundles?

use the PeopleSoft delivered Upgrade Assistant or Change Assistant for PT8.45 and above.

8. Explain Use of process profile?

(scenario based on process profile / process group)Server o/p path override , process he can access

10. Tell me What is component interface, where did you use?

A component interface is a PeopleSoft PeopleTools definition that is created to access a Component buffer without actually accessing the Component physically from the PIA.

11. Explain What are the think-time functions?

The functions which will suspend processing either until the user has taken some action. for example clicking a button in a message box

13. Explain Where is Unicode used?

2) Oracle
3) SQL Server

17. What are the parameters that you will give for crystal reports?

parameter is something that is prompted to enter by the user.Parameter fields support the following datatypes.
Boolean, currency, date, datatime, number, string, time

18. How to define the names of the application servers being used to access PeopleSoft?

a) In Configuration Manager, under the Application Servers tab.

19. What are the Outputs of SQR?

explain your self about the Outputs of SQR

20. When do we view Business process map?

a) Change in mapping of data

22. Different ways to run AE, SQR.(Command, process scheduler)?

SQR:command line(sqrw.exe),process scheduler & peoplecode

AE:commandline(psae.exe),process scheduler,peoplecode-callappengine(aename,st-rec)

24. What are the various ways to run sqr?

2.From the front end through process schedular.
>>Register the sqr to any component and run the sqr.

25. Explain Difference between SavePreChanges and SavePostChanges w.r.t SAVEEDIT?

Save edit validates data and gives messages or warnings.when no error/warnings exist then saveprechange fires. it helps by doing one last check before the save process. save post change updates/inserts data into the records that have not been brought into to component buffer. it is recomended not to give error or warning messages in prechange and postchange events.

28. How to debug AE?

To run a program in debug mode:

Set the debug option.

You can set the debug option in the following locations:

Start PeopleSoft Configuration Manager and select the Process Scheduler tab.

In the Application Engine group, enable debug by selecting the Debug check box. This is the method that applies to all methods of invocation.

If you used the command line option to invoke your Application Engine program, then you can include the −DEBUG Y parameter in the command line you submit to PSAE.EXE.

29. Can you explain the difference between SaveEdit and FieldEdit?

Field edit can be used to locally check the syntactial errrors made by end user( mostly). It can be used for conplex checking operations too but rarely.

Save edit is used to check the logical existance or invalid datta inputs.It can be used for conplex checking operations.

Example if a broker becomes ineffective after a perticualr date, and if some calculations are done after that date, logic can be written in save edits to stop further processing and help the user identify another broker whose effictive date is valid for the date specified.

Field Edit peoplecode is fired when you try to change the value of a field on the page and Save Edit peoplecode is fired when you try to save the page. Both validates data but Field Edit peoplecode is used to validate the data for only that particular field which is changed and Save Edit peoplecode is used to validate all the data changes made to the fields on the page

31. Explain What are different peoplecode events?


34. What are different peoplecode events?

fiels edit,fi
field default,
field formula