1. Why do you feel you are a good fit for our company as Quality Auditor?

Having a job with adequate internal controls, giving reasonable assurance of eliminating risks for security, order, and offers an environment for success. With too many internal controls, work can be hindered and without proper internal controls in place there can be a lack of order and the ability to accomplish the mission of the company.

2. Explain have you ever discovered fraud in an audit?

We discover fraud in audit through effective planning. When planning for audit engagement auditor should consider possibility of fraud.

3. Tell us what do you find most challenging when performing an internal audit?

In an organisation, errors are about to happen intentionally or un intentionally. Intentional errors are frauds which is very tough to identify when people collude to make it very secretively since audit is persuasive and not conclusive.

4. Explain what do you enjoy most about being an auditor?

The fact that you engage people on different levels and that you get to be position to help in ensuring that an organisation thrives.

5. Explain us what is destructive testing, and what are its benefits?

Destructive testing includes methods where material is broken down to evaluate the mechanical properties, such as strength, toughness and hardness.

For example, finding the quality of a weld is good enough to withstand extreme pressure and also to verify the properties of a material.

6. Tell me what happens if your product, materials or supplies are nonconforming?

This question reflects on the organization's ability to deal with product problems in a systematic way. Controlling nonconforming products is a basic discipline and one that smart auditors always probe. The answer to this question can be compared to the documented procedure and, more important, to the auditor's observations.

7. Explain would you consider yourself to be a trustworthy person?

I believe that, if don, t have any control and you can you can use company res resources by your own purpose but as you are honest one and not doing such thing. This is honesty and best quality.

8. Please explain about your most significant career accomplishment?

Yes. During special audit of an organization we have detected few frauds made by accounts manager and accounts assistance. One is taking same bill two times by giving photocopy of bill and another one is copy of signature of MD in cheque.

9. Explain me what is Testware?

The testware is:

☛ The subset of software which helps in performing the testing of application.
☛ Testware are required to plan, design, and execute tests. It contains documents, scripts, inputs, expected results, set-up and additional software or utilities used in testing.
☛ Testware is term given to combination of all utilities and application software that required for testing a software package.

Testware is special because it has:

1. Different purpose
2. Different metrics for quality and
3. Different users

10. Explain what would you change about an auditors role, if you could?

I would change the recommendations monitoring audit. I mean, we are thought that once the client have already accepted your recommendation, then they own the risks associated with that. As such, it would be better if instead of the auditor monitoring the implementation of the recommendations, it should be part of the client's performance assessment, accomplishments and scoreboard, the timely implementation of the recommendations.

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11. Explain about an inefficiency you detected during an audit?

I have learnt that communicating effectively plays a very important role in audit. My articleship gave me a opportunity to work on it.

12. Tell me how do you access product requirements?

organization. In all cases, though, personnel must understand the product requirements. ISO 9001:2000 specifically requires that organizations identify product requirements in four ways:

☛ As stated by the customer
☛ Unstated by the customer but necessary for intended use
☛ As statutory and legal regulations related to the product
☛ As any additional requirements determined by the organization
☛ The standard additionally requires that information describing the product be available (i.e., documented). Asking how personnel access product requirements is an important audit question because when requirements aren't accessible, big problems often result. Employees don't need to know product requirements by heart, but they should certainly be able to find the current versions of requirements and describe how they carry them out.

13. Explain me benefits of Destructive Testing (DT)?

☛ Verifies properties of a material
☛ Determines quality of welds
☛ Helps you to reduce failures, accidents and costs
☛ Ensures compliance with regulations

14. Please explain in your opinion, what qualities make a great leader?

Effective Delegation.Identifying potential in the candidates.. Most importantly bringing the best out of the person and deliver effective results.

15. Tell me what customer interface have you had in dealing with quality issues?

QA interview questions like this are exploring your direct experience with customers. The organization's main focus must be to satisfy their customers. Focus on how you managed the customer's concerns and how you dealt professionally and promptly with the quality problem. Discuss your corrective action plan.

16. Explain me what's the importance of internal audit?

The importance of internal audits cannot miss in the interview. Well, here is how to go about answering on Internal Audit importance;

☛ They enhance the size and complexity of businesses
☛ They increase the compliance requirements
☛ Focus on risk management and internal controls to manage them
☛ Ensure that the stringent norms implemented by regulators to protect investors are adhered to
☛ Promote an increasingly competitive environment

17. Do you know what is Change Control?

Change Control is also popularly known as Change Request. It tells us in details about the additional functionalities which are included once the Business Requirement Document has been signed off.

18. As you know explain about what areas you audited in your last job?

Internal control review including role and effectiveness of senior management, evaluation of Human resources policies and practices, assess the role and effectiveness of the audit committee and other committees audit risk management c, Revenue cycle, receivables, Expenditure cycle, payroll cycle.

19. Tell me how do you see the role of the quality professional in an organization?

Quality professionals can be regarded as catalysts for organizational change, they are key to understanding how the processes of the organization are related and the connection between planning and profit.

20. Tell me what are verification and validation and difference between these two?

Verification: process of evaluating steps which is followed up to development phase to determine whether they meet the specified requirements for that stage.

Validation: process of evaluating product during or at the end of the development process to determine whether product meets specified requirements.

Difference between Verification and Validation:
☛ Verification is Static Testing where as Validations is Dynamic Testing.
☛ Verification takes place before validation.
☛ Verification evaluates plans, documents, requirements and specifications, where as Validation evaluates product.
☛ Verification inputs are checklist, issues list, walkthroughs and inspection, where as in Validation testing of actual product.
☛ Verification output is set of documents, plans, specifications and requirement documents where as in Validation actual product is output.

21. Tell us the steps before an audit processes?

Audit process can be long and tedious depending on how you go about them. There is need to know how to tackle this question, here is how;

☛ Ensure the authority of the audit team is established- it will enhance the co-operation from the auditees
☛ Have an internal audit entry conference meeting with the organization to be on the same page of what is to take place, include timelines and the necessary materials.
☛ Decide which areas of the company will be audited and the frequency of the audits. Prepare as yearly audit schedule and distribute
☛ Determine the purpose of the audit whether it complies with government regulations, quality standards, internal procedures and systems
☛ Organize a meeting with the auditors to discuss plan, scope and purpose of the audit
☛ Read the documents you are auditing against.

22. Do you know how are problems prevented?

Problem correction is relatively simple: Define the problem, identify the cause and take action to remove it. Problem prevention, on the other hand, is more complex. Many people would also argue that it's more important. Preventive action is specifically required by ISO 9001:2000, and it provides one of the most valuable links to continual improvement.

The most obvious way to generate preventive action is by analyzing data. Data analysis is a primary job of top management, but it can happen at other levels of the organization as well. When an organization openly shares data and encourages its analysis on a broad scale, then preventive action becomes easy. Employee creativity and innovation can also be a valuable starting point for preventive action. Savvy organizations look for ways to solicit improvement ideas from their employees and provide feedback on the viability of the ideas. Another source of preventive action is feedback from customers. Often, customers will provide ideas for improving the product in subtle yet significant ways.

23. Do you know what is difference between QA, QC and Software Testing?

Quality Assurance (QA): QA refers to the planned and systematic way of monitoring the quality of process which is followed to produce a quality product. QA tracks the outcomes and adjusts the process to meet the expectation.

Quality Control (QC): Concern with the quality of the product. QC finds the defects and suggests improvements. The process set by QA is implemented by QC. The QC is the responsibility of the tester.

Software Testing: is the process of ensuring that product which is developed by the developer meets the user requirement. The motive to perform testing is to find the bugs and make sure that they get fixed.

24. Tell us have you ever been offered a bribe at any of your previous positions? What did you do?

Luckily I haven't experienced such. However, I don't tolerate bribery since it one of the most important things that an auditor should maintain is its integrity.

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25. Explain about your accounting education?

I am a fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants(Incorporated Financial Accountant) I am A Chartered Public Finance Accountant(CPFA) and I have a Msc Accounting and Finance. I am a memebr of the various accounting bodies including CPA(U), Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants of Australia, Fellow of the Association of International Accountants where I get continued professional development. I am also a forensic Accountant, being a CFE, and I also hold a bachelor of commerce degree in Finance.

26. Tell me what is a test strategy?

A test strategy helps you understand the process of testing in every software development cycle. It has been made in such a way that all project managers and developers will be informed about some of the most important issues of testing. All objectives, methods, total time and the resources which are needed for the project are explained.
A few components you will always find in a test strategy are test level and test schedules, test groups and test priorities, test summary, requirements of the environment, responsibilities etc.

27. Tell me what experience do you have in developing the quality assurance manual?

Quality assurance professionals are expected to create and implement formal written documentation.

What role have you played in planning and developing a QA manual? Take the interviewer through the steps you took to review and assess existing procedures, identify modifications or updates required, formalize the procedures and gain approval for the manual.

28. Please explain as a manager, what skills do you possess that help you excel at your job?

Most important thing I delegation.If I am delegating something I should be confident that my subordinate should be able to deliver results.Key is delegation.

29. Please explain what improvements would you make as the audit manager, if you were awarded this position?

I dont intend to make any improvements as yet. I wish to blend into the system and study how it functions. If there are any shortfalls that is where I will recommend for remedial action.

30. Tell me what do you think is a test plan? Have you written one before? What does it usually consist of?

A test plan is a sort of document which analyzes the resource, scope, approach and schedule of several testing activities. It will help you to find items that need to be tested, its features that need further testing, the risks that come with some and the solutions as well.
Yes I have written a test plan before. It consists of history, contents, introduction, scope, overview and approach. The risks and assumptions are not left out either,

31. Explain what is your leadership style? Are you able to take on a leadership role over others who were once your peers?

Friendly attitude, team work, encouraging them since we are all of one team and towards one single goal.

32. Explain have you ever had an employee act unprofessionally towards you? How did you react?

Yes many times. I was passionate to get my required details from them and after getting I worked closely on their issues.

33. Tell me are you clear and detailed when it comes to documentation? How important is accurate documentation to you?

Yes I am. Accurate documentation is the difference between good internal audit work and very bad internal audit work.

34. Suppose you had an under performing auditor, tell me what would you say to him or her, to help boost their performance?

I will keep encouraging them in each and every aspect of their performance and give them motivation to enhance their performance by making them refer standards and inculcate positive attributes within them so that they gain confidence that the company is actually growing because of their contribution towards work.

35. Tell us in your current position, how are inspection reports posted and communicated? Do you agree with the process?

A team of professional go through the organisation and its work and communicate any difficulty in the manner in which organisation is being run to the board in their report.