1. How do you configure the maximum number of processes in Apache?

This arrangement uses more advanced mod_rewrite features to get the translation from virtual host to document root from a separate configuration file. This provides more flexibility but requires more complicated configuration.

2. Do I really have to learn HTML to design Web pages?

Print designers don't need to learn PostScript. Their page layout editors, Quark XPress, Adobe InDesign, etc., take care of all that. The PostScript page description language has been around since the mid '80s and can produce highly accurate artwork for any type of printing. HTML is not a page description language, it is a markup language that's used to describe how text will appear in a Web browser. Okay, you can place elements other than text on a Web page but the HTML just provides links to the images or Flash files, they aren't actually part of the HTML.

3. What do I have to do to get my site listed in search engines?

Eventually, every site gets visited and indexed by search engine 'robots', but if you want it done quickly, you should submit your site URL to Google. Google is by far the most popular search facility and unless you want to target a specific, special interest search engine, getting listed there is your first priority. It's pretty well hidden on the Google site, but here are their instructions for getting listed. If you want a good ranking on Google too (and who doesn't!), check out this ranking information page too.

4. How can I stop people stealing images from my page?

If you have an image that somebody really wants on your Web page, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop them doing a screen capture and cropping the image. Disabling the right mouse button (on PCs) is totally futile because pressing F13 (Print Screen) sends everything on the screen to the clipboard where it can be pasted into any graphics editing program.

5. How can I make sure that my pages look the same in every browser?

The facetious answer is to create your complete page in an image editor and make one whopping, great GIF or JPEG of it. That's the only way you will get the same layout in every browser, but it has so many drawbacks in terms of file size and accessibility that it isn't worth considering.

6. What is the difference between primary key and unique key?

This is an index that cannot be NULL, Primary Keys are used in building relationships between tables in a database. (an index is automatically created on the primary key). The difference between primary and ordinary keys is that there can be multiple keys, but only one primary key. Unique Key: Unique and Index are same, the difference is, in Unique, duplicate are not allowed in any circumstances and that is enforced by database server. Primary key(s) qualify to be Unique on basis of their uniqueness.

7. What is a URL?

t stands for "universal resource locator". This is the address typed in to view your web page on the Internet. For example, you would type in to access our home page.