Tell me how do you ensure the security of employee data?

Submitted by: Muhammad
Our answer to this question, naturally, refers to Lumesse ETWeb.
Lumesse has adopted the strictest security standards defined by ISO27002 and operates accordingly.
The system in the hosting model also operates according to the ISO27001 standard and is certified as such.
Lumesse management established an information security forum that convenes at least once every three months. The forum is responsible for all aspects of information security and includes the CTO, the Chief of Global Operations, the International HR Manager, and the Security Manager.
Lumesse conducts periodic risk assessments and inspections and uses evaluations by professional experts regarding potential security threats.
Based on these risk assessments, internal and external reviews, and “best practice” procedures in the field, Lumesse has developed an information security monitoring system that provides a solution for controlling the processes of prevention, detection, and correction.
In addition, every year there is an inspection carried out by an external company specializing in the field.
Submitted by: Muhammad

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