What is Black-Box testing on Window-based Application?

Submitted by: Administrator
Editable Fields Checking and Validation:

* Valid/invalid characters/strings data in all editable fields
* Valid minimum/maximum/mid range values in fields
* Null strings (or no data ) in required fields
* Record length (character limit)in text/memo fields
* Cut/copy/paste into/from fields when possible

Not Editable Fields Checking:

* Check for all test/spelling in warnings and error messages/dialogs
* Invoke/check all menu items and their options

Application Usability:

* Appearance an outlook (Placement an alignment of objects on screen)
* User Interface Test (open all menus, check all items)
* Basic functionality checking (File+Open+Save, etc..)
* Right mouse clicking sensitivity
* Resize/min/max/restore app, windows (check min app size)
* Scrollability when applicable (scrollbars, keyboard, autoscrolling)
* Keyboard and mouse navigation, highlighting, dragging, drag/drop
* Print in landscape an portrait modes
* Check F1, What's This , Help menu
* Short-cut and Accelerator keys
* Tab Key order and Navigation in all dialog boxes and menus
Submitted by: Administrator

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